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  1. mosomers

    Is it normal for barnevelder pullets to be so red?

    I have four barnevelders. 3 of them are about 6 or 7 weeks old and 1 is about 4 or 5 weeks old. On the older ones, their chests, necks, and heads are so red! Like a Rhode Island Red, red. Is that normal? When does that beautiful double lacing come in? There are not a lot of pictures online of...
  2. mosomers

    Buff Orp not looking so hot

    I have a Buff Orp that is super lethargic and not very responsive. I don't think she will live much longer. I noticed yesterday that she was just laying around on the back porch and not doing much else but I didn't think much of it because she was healthy the day before. Today she was laying in...
  3. mosomers

    A day with no eggs?

    43 eggs!! That's quite a find! :) My chickens free range when the weather is nice but it hasn't been nice this week so they haven't been out except for Friday. I got 2 eggs on Monday, 5 on Tuesday, 4 on Wednesday, none on Thursday, and 4 on Friday. 5 of my 6 hens are laying. Their run is pretty...
  4. mosomers

    A day with no eggs?

    My flock hasn't been laying for long (a couple of weeks is all, but they are all about 10 months old). I have 2 EE's, 1 Buff Orp, 1 RIR, and 1 barred rock that are laying finally. A couple of days ago, I got zero eggs. Out of 6 chickens, no eggs. Is this normal? I'm worried that between my kids...
  5. mosomers

    Chicken is about 10 months old and still not laying

    I have a little flock of 6 chickens: 3 EE's, 1 RIR, 1 barred rock, and 1 Buff Orp. All of my chickens were born around Easter last year and none of them started laying until the days started getting longer a few weeks ago. Now they are all laying except for one EE. Is she ever going to lay? She...
  6. mosomers

    Buff Orp about to lay or still a ways off?

    Cool! That's so helpful! Thanks!
  7. mosomers

    Buff Orp about to lay or still a ways off?

    I have a buff orpington whose comb, wattles, and especially ear lobes kinda change colors throughout the day. Sometimes when I look at her, her earlobes are pretty red, but I'll look again later on and they're pale, almost white. I've read that all those fleshy parts turn red when a hen is about...
  8. mosomers

    Gender check ?

    Thank you all! I appreciate your help!
  9. mosomers

    Gender check ?

    Whew! Good! So my instincts are off. What markers indicate the chicken in front is a hen? (I've got the roo in back figured out.) :) Does it make a difference that I'm not sure how old she is? I got her a few days ago and the seller said she's laying but I haven't seen any eggs yet. It sounded...
  10. mosomers

    Gender check ?

    I am at a point with chickens where I can kinda sense male vs female but I can't describe the differences that must be cluing me in so I'm not totally certain of myself. I'm feeling that this EE is a roo. Am I right?
  11. mosomers

    Chick With Curled Toes

    How old is too old to do this with? I just got an EE that's probably about 5 months old and has deformed toes. I'm guessing she's too old, but figured I'd check.
  12. mosomers


    Full body shots. :) I think I have 2 roosters. What do you think?
  13. mosomers


    I bought a "pullet" last week that I'm pretty sure is a cockerel. The seller is insisting it's a hen. She asked for pictures of the neck feathers and says they look like hen feathers. They look more like roo feathers to me. So I took pics of my other two EE's, one is male and one is female, and...
  14. mosomers


    She wants to trade. I didn't really like her other EE. :/ Not sure what to do.....
  15. mosomers


    I'm very new to chickens so please excuse my ignorance. I bought an EE hen the other day whom the seller said should start laying any day. But the more I look at those long iridescent tail feathers, the more I'm thinking "she" is actually a "he." Am I right?
  16. mosomers

    Why do my barred rocks look so different?

    Whew! Thanks everybody!
  17. mosomers

    Why do my barred rocks look so different?

    Oye! Of all the luck! Oh well. I guess we'll just be enjoying roaster chicken here pretty soon! But while we are assessing my little flock, maybe you can help me make sure my last bird isn't yet another rooster. Here's my RIR:
  18. mosomers

    Why do my barred rocks look so different?

    Here's a better head shot, but it's from a couple of weeks ago.
  19. mosomers

    Why do my barred rocks look so different?

    Oh dear, really!?!? These are the best recent pictures I have. Can you tell from them? Or should I take some new ones in the morning?
  20. mosomers

    Why do my barred rocks look so different?

    Yeah, I think we'll eat him once he starts crowing. But I want to replace him with a her and I don't want to buy a chick and wait another 4-6 months for her eggs. Chicken shopping shall commence!
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