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  1. Memeschix9

    Strange Chicken yoke!

    What in the world is this? I have never seen anything like what's on the yoke of this chicken egg! I know that on Mother's Day 2016 while visiting me, my daughter, son-in-law and I was shocked to look as one of my guineas roosters mounted and appeared to inseminate one of my chicken hens...
  2. Memeschix9

    Chicken Photo Contest

    Late last summer roo I hatched in incubator because hen gave up sitting! First time in the snow!
  3. Memeschix9

    Near frozen Guinea!

    I had an old rug in there with her and it may have been the reason she walked softly(?) I put her outside in the coop and within 3 hours her feet are again frozen and she walks (stiff legged) like. What shall I do, bring her in again?
  4. Memeschix9

    Near frozen Guinea!

    Please shed some light. One guinea was found near death and frozen on 1-7-2015 late evening. I brought her in and put her under low heating pad with sheets and tee-shirts. In the morning I checked on her and she was alive. I gave her small amount of water and she drank it. Then I tried ground...
  5. Memeschix9

    Chick acts different than others! Help!

    I'm a first time Guinea-er. I have 6 guinea's aprox. 5 weeks old. All appeared normal the first week. Then I zoomed in on one. It walks normal but drops both wings nearly to the ground. Body shape doesn't resemble the others due to drooping wings. Walks/Runs but beginning to struggle to...
  6. Memeschix9

    Post Your Chicken's Names Here!!!

    My girls are named: Kamere (like "come here" sound) Piper Buffy Senaca - passed away Opal Onyx Pearl - passed away Ivory - passed away Love all the names!
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