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  1. quacksnclucks74

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    I have never seen a Rouen fly. Mallards look like small versions of Rouen's and mallards fly. I think Rouen's have the sweetest personalities and can be very friendly. I have khaki ducklings now. Only three weeks old. They are skittish with me when I first come to their brooder but a few...
  2. quacksnclucks74

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    You definitely need to clean a ducklings brooder more than every other day. They are extremely messy. Mine often have to be cleaned twice a day. They love to splash and make messes, and the smell....ick lol. Hope you enjoy your duckies tho. I have noticed my lil KC still isn't growing. She's now...
  3. quacksnclucks74

    The khaki-Campbell duck Thread !!!!!!!!

    I now have khaki ducklings that are three weeks old. Was supposed to be a dozen but I got thirteen because one was so tiny she was overlooked when the breeder went to count them the first time. When I got them home and into the brooder it was obvious that she'd have to be separated because she...
  4. quacksnclucks74

    Prevention of COCCIDIOSIS and other poultry diseases in chicks~ ACV.

    Been a while but im back with a question. We only lost nine chicks to cocci. The medicated feed saved 31 of them. My question is how long after stopping the medicated feed do i have to wait to butcher them? Someone told me a month but someone else said only a week so i'd like a few more...
  5. quacksnclucks74

    First time duck owner, so many questions!

    Went to a farm swap today. Didnt sell any animals but i did come home with three new ones. A guinea pig and two black cayuga ducklings lol. I have them in a brooder in my bedroom. Laying here watching them and I adore them already! They dont peep like my other ducklings...its more like a soft...
  6. quacksnclucks74

    Prevention of COCCIDIOSIS and other poultry diseases in chicks~ ACV.

    We checked. Our expert chicken Guy was working today and he said they didn't have what we needed. Now we have our new Turkey poults that we just got on Friday to worry about. Their brooder is inside tho and now the thought of ever moving them outside scares me. Time to do lots of research so...
  7. quacksnclucks74

    Prevention of COCCIDIOSIS and other poultry diseases in chicks~ ACV.

    I wish I had known all of this sooner. Sadly we discovered a few of our Cornish cross chicks dead this morning and then saw a few more of them pooping blood. Its Sunday and the one store that was open didn't have the corid (sp?). All we could do was get medicated feed in hopes of saving the...
  8. quacksnclucks74

    Brooding day old turkeys with chicks

    I had my turkeys in with my bantam chicks until the turkeys outgrew the brooder and I decided to move them to a larger one. The bantam chicks were kind of "bossy" with the turkeys which was hilarious considering the size difference but now they're all together in the same run and they all seem...
  9. quacksnclucks74

    Injured Turkey Poult - Help PLEASE!!!!!

    I feel better after reading this thread. My turkey is older but her leg looks the same as the one n the pic. She gets around quite well on one leg. Other than her leg she appears healthy and active. My concern is that she's rather small compared to the tom who is the same age but then again if...
  10. quacksnclucks74

    Hello from Maine

    Thank you everyone, sorry I haven't been to BYC lately. There never seem to be enough hours in a day between tending the kids and the pets. The kids are always escaping from the coop and then I have to fight with the ducks so that I can use my own laptop....or is it the other way around? lol And...
  11. quacksnclucks74

    Hello from Maine

    Hi Folks, My name is Angela. I'm a mom to six human children, six ducks, nineteen chickens, two turkeys, five bunnies, a mama cat and four kittens, a mourning dove, a Shetland sheepdog and a blue heeler :) I'm pleased to be a member of BYC! Tonight most of my chicks (except for bantams and the...
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