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  1. jennjune26

    Need Good Ol' Chicken Dog

    Hi. Have you heard of the Maremma Sheepdog? Sheep hearder from Italy but supposedly great w protecting flocks.
  2. jennjune26

    Adding new chickens to an existing flock

    HI we have 4 week old chicks. we have three 1 yr old hens. our run and coop are not that large. we used to let them range all day but in two months we lost four of our girls. it was heartbreaking. we have a fox family nearby it seems. when can we put them outside? when can we let the older...
  3. jennjune26


    hello we have 5 buff orpingtons. They are only a year old and our first chickens. one is broody . it has been about two weeks. we don't have a rooster. she is so angry if I even speak to her that I am scared to go near her. Question is broody hens who are not actually incubating a...
  4. jennjune26

    adding dirt to run

    hello after this long winter and all the melting our coop which is at the bottom of a hill has a lot of mud in it. also the dirt has settled quite a bit. what is the best thing to add to the dirt? more dirt? compost? shavings? I want it to be safe for the chickens obviously but we aren't sure...
  5. jennjune26


    we had an aopposum a few weeks back but since haven't seen him. is it possible he moved on? don't they relocate often? thanks
  6. jennjune26


    Hello We r new chicken owners. We love them a ton and worry sosmthing will ha
  7. jennjune26

    earwig bugs

    we got a coop secondhand. no issues with the coop itself but it did not have nesting boxes. my husband built the boxes onto the side with close off doors to each box and a lift on top to retrieve eggs. problem is that for the past few weeks there have been earwig bugs all over JUST the nesting...
  8. jennjune26

    ground to build coop on

    Thanks:) He was never really sick but we had the kennel for about two years. Kind of a random issue I think.
  9. jennjune26

    ground to build coop on

    we are getting out first bunch of chicks soon. We used to have a large dog and had a kennel for him. Is it okay ( germs, diseases, etc) to build the coop and run on top of where we had the dog kennel? It has been about a year since we had our dog. Thanks. Just want to make sure we aren't...
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