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  1. Bassbum2

    Missing feathers and discolored skin

    Any ideas on this? I am adding the pictures again as they don't seem to be working in my girlfriends original post. We have 9 girls in total, no rooster and these two are the only ones displaying this problem. They still lay eggs on a regular basis.
  2. Bassbum2

    Male/Female ratio

    That is what I figured but thought i would ask anyway. I will plan on doing a dozen of each and hopefully be able to sell what I don't want. Russell
  3. Bassbum2

    Male/Female ratio

    Hi, This coming spring I would like to try hatching some eggs to add to my flock instead of buying chicks. My question is, if I get a dozen eggs of each of the breeds I would like, how many males and females could i expect from each dozen or is that to small an amount to have any expectations...
  4. Bassbum2

    What caused this?

    I've seen videos of an egg inside of an egg. You won't know until you break it open. Russell
  5. Bassbum2

    White Leghorn eggs are small and watery

    I have oyster shell grit available for them all the time. How would that affect the size or the contents of the egg?
  6. Bassbum2

    White Leghorn eggs are small and watery

    How long can it take for pullets to work through the glitches? I expected small eggs but small and watery I didn't expect. When I tried cooking them, I end up with mostly just the yolk as the rest of it shrivels up to nothing. Russell
  7. Bassbum2

    White Leghorn eggs are small and watery

    Hi, I have a 23 week old White Leghorn that started laying eggs at about 17 weeks old, they were small and the whites were watery. She took a break from laying for about 5 weeks after only laying 5 eggs, last week she started laying again and her eggs are still small and the whites are watery...
  8. Bassbum2

    Lets count to a million

  9. Bassbum2

    Barred Rock, Dominique or mix?

    How old would you guess he is? He is a bit smaller than most of my other chickens that are 21 to 24 weeks old. Could he be a bantam? Russell
  10. Bassbum2

    Barred Rock, Dominique or mix?

    What are the telltale signs? The guy I bought them from seemed pretty knowledgeable about chickens as he breeds them so I thought I could trust him. Russell
  11. Bassbum2

    Barred Rock, Dominique or mix?

    Looks like I will be rehoming another roo. Maybe I will get lucky and the guy I bought it from will trade even for a hen. I'm not holding my breath though. I actually bought 2 so I wouldn't have a lone bird, if I get rid off the roo, will the other one be a solitary bird in the flock? As it...
  12. Bassbum2

    Barred Rock, Dominique or mix?

    Hi, Can anyone tell me for sure it this is a Barred Rock, a Dominique or a mix? Also, is it a boy or a girl? the guy I bought it from told me she was a Barred Rock and that it was in fact a girl but I have my doubts. When I got it about 5 weeks ago, I was told it was about 14 weeks old. I have...
  13. Bassbum2

    Lets count to a million

  14. Bassbum2

    Lets count to a million

  15. Bassbum2

    Should I open nesting boxes?

    I was advised by another member to open it up to them at 16 weeks old. I actually was a couple days late and found an egg on the coop floor but she learned quickly to lay eggs in the nest box. Russell
  16. Bassbum2

    New laying hen question

    I have checked everywhere they could possibly be unless she is taking lessons from the dog and burying them. As far as her going broody, I couldn't answer that question for certain but I doubt it. she never spent more that 30 minutes in the nest box that I have observed. Russell
  17. Bassbum2

    New laying hen question

    The day I brought home the new additions was the day we found the first egg and she laid 4 more with the new addition. The new additions were several days apart so maybe it was the second pullet that caused the stress. I hope that is all it is. I tried telling her she needs to start laying again...
  18. Bassbum2

    New laying hen question

    She should be used to the dog by now. The dog can't get very close to the coop. I don't think it is stress from predators as we live in an area that doesn't normally have much to worry about. I have seen her in the nest box once or twice but no egg, we check several times a day so I don't think...
  19. Bassbum2

    New laying hen question

    She is confined, I would like to free range them for part of the day but I am afraid they will go over the fence and my dog would be all over them in a second and would most likely kill them. Russell
  20. Bassbum2

    New laying hen question

    I have a White Leghorn that started laying eggs about 4 weeks ago, she laid 5 eggs in 7 days then stopped. She acts normal and eats good, she is very energetic like you would expect a leghorn to be. should I be worried about her or is it normal for them to take such a long break? she will be 21...
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