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  1. dawnEF

    Rooster breed thread

    Hi Chicky Crazy im Dawn :) This is Rocky and hes just started cock a doodaling :)
  2. dawnEF

    ~*~ Roostersandhen's Chat Thread ~*~

    Hi all :) hows everyone doing? Just wanted tell someone about my happiness. I got two baby buff orpingtons a month ago and silly me put them in together with Queenie and Rocky and it went badly so i got some advise on what to do and i had to keep them seperated for a month but in s way they...
  3. dawnEF

    Keeping Chickens Free Range

    Hi all :) Yes i do but dont have alot of land its just a big back yard a perfect size for my four :)
  4. dawnEF

    :: A Thread Dedicated to Battery Hens ::

    Thanks ladyBroody. He does indeed but who could blame him :) I only have four chickens Queenie and Rocky and two buff orpingtons Ginger and Goldie and are a nice happy family now they are all together. I dont really have anymore room for more or i would get my ex battery hens :( but my hubby has...
  5. dawnEF

    :: A Thread Dedicated to Battery Hens ::

    Hi everyone im Dawn :) I have an ex battery hen called Queenie. This is her when we first got her about 3-4 month ago. She was thin and tatty looking and it made my heart bleed seeing her like that. But after the first day she had let Rocky know she was the boss and they are inseperable now he...
  6. dawnEF

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    My Rocky is a blue laced red wyandotte. I'll have to give the blue berries a try. They didnt have any crickets left in the pet shop :(
  7. dawnEF

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Hi candyqueen im just off to get some crickets for mine and my rooster is called rocky aswell :) They had melon yesterday and loved it :)
  8. dawnEF

    Shell problem dont know whats up

    Hi NEChickenNoob yes she has a good calcium source she gets oyster shells and egg shells every day
  9. dawnEF

    Shell problem dont know whats up

    I have had her about 3 months so i dont think its that and she has a routine and seems very happy. Shes the boss and loves our company. Nothing wrong with thinking :)
  10. dawnEF

    Shell problem dont know whats up

    Thanks iwiw that was very helpfull :) i think it might be down to the weather its been very hot and sticky here this week.
  11. dawnEF

    Shell problem dont know whats up

    Thanks iwiw i will have a look. No shes not young shes an ex battery hen
  12. dawnEF

    Shell problem dont know whats up

    My Queenie is having problems with her shells yesterday it was paper thin and had broken when she laid it and today its still very thin but its intact. Does anyone know whats wrong and how can i fix it please.
  13. dawnEF

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Thanks again. I think they might be ok it was like half one this afternoon and its now ten to one at night and they are fast alseep and they was ok when they went to bed. Hope if not done anything bad to them. Do you know what things are a definate no no on what thay cant have. I would hate to...
  14. dawnEF

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Thanks subhanalah. Do you know if they will be ok i only gave them a small piece it was about the size of an english ten pence if that :/
  15. dawnEF

    Chickens Fav Treats!!!!

    Today i was eating an ice cream that has chocolate round it like a magnum and a bit of the chocolate fell off and Queenie and rocky went to peck at it before i could pick it up and they loved it so i gave them another small piece each rocky went nuts for it and started chatting away to me just...
  16. dawnEF

    State a fact about yourself!

    Sparkle your alligator is lovely :)
  17. dawnEF

    State a fact about yourself!

    Me too :)
  18. dawnEF

    State a fact about yourself!

    4 out of 5 is not bad :) just didnt do it for me that one :/
  19. dawnEF

    State a fact about yourself!

    Triple fudge chocolate cake omg that sounds so good i so want one :)
  20. dawnEF

    ~*~ Roostersandhen's Chat Thread ~*~

    Queenie and Rocky chilling out with us in the sun :)
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