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  1. Crooked House

    How many people have buff Orpingtons

    We have 5. I call them the Spice Girls - Rosemary, Pepper, Paprika, Parsley, and Sage. Rosemary is my favorite. She's a sweetheart.
  2. Crooked House

    Rooster behavior

    Our rooster hit the one year old mark and started doing the same thing. It's been mostly me but he's gotten both of my daughters (and left scars) when they were home for visits. He's going to freezer camp before winter.
  3. Crooked House

    Crooked beak

    I have a question regarding cross beak. We let our broody hen raise two chicks. We were hoping for a rooster to replace our current one who's been attacking me and our daughters when they are home for a visit. One egg was the EE hen who was broody and the other was a BO egg. The rooster is a...
  4. Crooked House

    Post pics of your Polish chickens

    Help! Our Polish hen and rooster both have large patches of exposed skin on their heads. We've checked for mites and lice and can't find any evidence of either. Wilma is at the bottom of the pecking order but Fred is the only rooster for our 13 hens and is a great protector. Any ideas? Wilma...
  5. Crooked House

    Coop Names and Signs

    It was my hubby's idea. The chickens seem to love it, too. We don't seem to have a true pecking order, either. It's just first come, first served to get the upper branches. :-)
  6. Crooked House

    Coop Names and Signs

    Ours is the Crooked House Layers Club because there isn't a square wall or opening in the whole coop. That made for some pretty creative building but we're very happy with the results. We've made some improvements since this photo was taken but I don't have photos yet. The best part of the whole...
  7. Crooked House


    I'm hoping someone has some tips for me - why would a hen who's been using the nest boxes to lay for several months, suddenly start laying her eggs under the roost? Our roost is a large section of a pine tree with all of its branches. We have six nest boxes for 12 hens. My daughter thought one...
  8. Crooked House

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Today was the first day for us to get a whole dozen eggs. Very eggciting!
  9. Crooked House

    WINNER ANNOUNCED Comb Contest 2014 - Single

    Rosemary is a female Buff Orpington. She's five months old.
  10. Crooked House

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    In the past week, we've had 6 more pullets start laying. Today we found out which of the EEs lays the blue and which the green since they conveniently laid their eggs at totally different times of the day and we saw them in the boxes. We had 3 buff orpingtons lay their first eggs today! We have...
  11. Crooked House


    Thank you!
  12. Crooked House


    Just dropping by to say hello and grab a treat! The scratch is all gone?!! Well, get up and get more! Today's free ranging fun. ;-)
  13. Crooked House


    Enjoying some evening free range time. My daughter took these photos. I love the sun shining through in this one. After they had plenty of time for bug and frog hunting we spent some time getting them comfortable being held. Scratch made the perfect lure, lol. Esther (in the foreground) and...
  14. Crooked House

    OMG my chickens ATE Mice, HELP!!!!

    We have starting letting our chickens out in the evenings for supervised ranging before they head to the roost for the night. We've had an unusually large number of very small frogs this summer and our girls were chasing each other and the frogs all over the place. They were very successful frog...
  15. Crooked House

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    First, I am sorry about the double post. The site was not running like usual when I posted and it said my first attempt to post didn't go through. I can't figure out how to delete one of them - I tried. Second, Sandywitch, my RS's first egg was very light with dark speckles and the next was a...
  16. Crooked House

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    What pretty eggs! I can't wait until my three EEs start laying. But two more girls joined the Crooked House Layers' Club today! Here's today's collection.
  17. Crooked House

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    What pretty eggs! I can't wait until my three EEs start laying. But two more girls joined the Crooked House Layers' Club today! Here's today's collection.
  18. Crooked House

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I still have just one laying but today she decided to throw a curveball by choosing a different nest box. ;-) We have thirteen pullets - 1 RS is laying, 2 of 3 should be soon; 1 of 5 BOs is squatting and singing; all 3 EEs look mature enough (can't wait for the first blue or green egg!) and I...
  19. Crooked House

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    I think I've solved my egg mystery -first egg was small, second egg was large, third egg was small -but the large egg was a double yolker (and very tasty. ;-)) I'm pretty sure I have just one layer so far - a Red Star.
  20. Crooked House

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Thanks for your response topdog24. They are all 18 weeks old. We have three Red Stars and one Buff Orpington that are potential layers. None of the others are even really close except maybe one or two of our EEs.
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