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  1. Duck mama

    Rouen Duck thread

    I LOVE my ducks! I have 5 Rouen, 5 Pekin and 4 Kahki. I have been hearing some "unusual quacking" coming from the pond over the last week and at night 2 of the Pekin females have had very muddy heads. This morning I saw the male Rouen mating with one of the Pekins. Is that normal? I guess I...
  2. Duck mama

    How to Free Range Ducks

    We have 5 Pekins and KC and 4 Rouens. We ONLY let them free range when we are home to watch out for them.
  3. Duck mama

    How to Free Range Ducks

    We have a few gopher turtles, but we have never seen snapping turtles. That would be sad... we thought we just wanted to see ducks in our pond, but we ended up loving these little creatures! My husband and I get up early every morning so we can take the ducks to the pond so we can watch them...
  4. Duck mama

    How to Free Range Ducks

    We had a slow start introducing our ducks to the pond. We were concerned that we would not be able to get them to come home, so we just took a few at a time. We discovered that ducks going into a new situation are like women when they go shopping... they all go to the bathroom (or the pond)...
  5. Duck mama

    Freaking out. What age and when do ducklings moult?

    My Pekins are the same age and they began molting last week... now the Rouens and the Kahki's are too. I thought they were older before they molted????
  6. Duck mama

    How to Free Range Ducks

    Thank you! I thought I was the only one that thought that my Pekins were like dumb blondes! We did the same thing in our pool, added steps to make it easier for them to get out..... They go beside the stairs, go to the other side of the pool... watch all of the other ducks walk calmly and...
  7. Duck mama

    Ducks not getting in coop at night

    Our ducks are now 5 weeks old, they started living in a rabbit pen, quickly followed by a baby pool, which lasted about 2 weeks before they found their way out. My husband in the meantime was building a wonderful duck coop which all of our friends call the duck condo. This week i went home to...
  8. Duck mama

    Ducks not getting in coop at night

    How old were your ducks when you started letting them out?
  9. Duck mama

    How to Free Range Ducks

    Sooooo.... we have adopted an entire flock of ducks, 14 in all (we had 16 but sadly 2 did not survive). My amazing husband saw my eyes light up when wild ducks would fly in to spend the day at our pond. So we did what I thought was a lot of research, but now I know it was not nearly enough! We...
  10. Duck mama

    Ducks not getting in coop at night

    Sooooo.... we have adopted an entire flock of ducks, 14 in all (we had 16 but sadly 2 did not survive). My amazing husband saw my eyes light up when wild ducks would fly in to spend the day at our pond. So we did what I thought was a lot of research, but now I know it was not nearly enough! I...
  11. Duck mama

    Baby duck - bum foot

    Thank you for the information, I tried the niacin and the Epsom salt suggestion and i am happy to report that my little duck, now named Squirt is now well and playing with the big ducks. She has adopted one of the Pekins in our flock as her mama and they hangout all the time!
  12. Duck mama

    training ducks to go into the hut

    Sooooo.... we have adopted an entire flock of ducks, 14 in all (we had 16 but sadly 2 did not survive). My amazing husband saw my eyes light up when wild ducks would fly in to spend the day at our pond. So we did what I thought was a lot of research, but now I know it was not nearly enough! I...
  13. Duck mama

    Baby duck - bum foot

    Thank you so much for your help ladt night. I soaked her little foot twice before I went to bed and again this morning. It looked a little better and I was able to get her to eat some this morning as well.
  14. Duck mama

    Baby duck - bum foot

    Thanks I really appreciate your help.
  15. Duck mama

    Baby duck - bum foot

    Yes they are on non medicated starter. I will add the niacin tomorrow for sure. I have him quarantined, should I add it to the others water as well?
  16. Duck mama

    Baby duck - bum foot

    The foot does not feel warm, but the webbing of his foot is completely limp.
  17. Duck mama

    Baby duck - bum foot

  18. Duck mama

    Baby duck - bum foot

    They did have leg bands but it is on the other leg. There does not seem to be discoloration. He doesn't walk on the leg or swim with it. I had to hold the food containers right up to him to get him to eat or drink. So heartbreaking. He has been my favorite from day one. He actually seems to...
  19. Duck mama

    Baby duck - bum foot

    My ducklings are only 6 days old. they were all delivered in very good shape but one was markedly smaller than the others. He has eaten and drank as much as the others, but does not seem to be growing as fast. The other ducklings are more than twice his size. Yesterday I noticed that he was on...
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