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  1. Domanique Fan

    Help with organic soy free grower feed

    All right we have had some trials and tribulations since the last post. We did get the organic grower for our hens from Countryside organics. Drove about an hour to the closest dealer. We liked it a lot and the chickens did too. We ran short on time and money so we switched back to regular feed...
  2. Domanique Fan

    Neighbors poor chicken keeping!

    Well first I want to say good for you going over there. Second ignorant is fixable, they may simply not know anything. Or as you surmise don't care but there is one sure fire way to find out. Talk to your neighbor over the fence, gauge their knowledge and involvement. If they are ignorant offer...
  3. Domanique Fan

    To close the coop door or not?

    The previous posters are correct, chickens suffer more from heat than cold. That said we make it their choice. Our chickens free range, we do not have an enclosed run, just a dog and some cats. So we let them out in the morning, not right when they get up but when time and weather permits. They...
  4. Domanique Fan

    Selling eggs

    As SunkenRoadFarms said, your local extension agent will have everything you need. Here in GA you need a Candling Permit (free from the state, after you take the course). Your eggs have to be graded and have an expiration date. Plus of course your farm info. To sell your eggs are you going to...
  5. Domanique Fan

    We have 3 Domenique hens,my wife wants to add Road Island Reds to the mix. Will this work?

    Thanks for all the advice, it has definitely set my mind at ease. Now we just have to wait come spring to see if any off our hens go broody. Or if we have to introduce two flocks. I am pretty psyched at the prospects. Thanks for the info Eggcessive, I was not aware of different types of Road...
  6. Domanique Fan

    We have 3 Domenique hens,my wife wants to add Road Island Reds to the mix. Will this work?

    As the title explains, we have 3 hens right now. In spring we want to add more birds. Mainly Dominique but as I said my wife wants to add Road Island Reds. I would like to add some Delaware. My concern is since Dominique hens are so docile they will be picked on or ostracized by the new comers...
  7. Domanique Fan

    Tell How Predators Got Your Chickens. Save Somebody Else From The Bad Experience

    Yes coyotes are cunning and generally fearless, smart too. Yes even all that wild life is there but your chickens require less work for more gain. So there are several options you can explore. Trapping and shooting are not good ones. After 150+ years of that coyotes are more smarter and found in...
  8. Domanique Fan

    Tell How Predators Got Your Chickens. Save Somebody Else From The Bad Experience

    We had eight fine Dominique pullets. And we had gotten quite used to letting them out every morning to free range and be chickeny ( We know its not a word). The truth of the matter is we had gotten complacent, see we had a dog when we gotten the chickens and he was always home. But our poor dog...
  9. Domanique Fan

    Organic vs. Regular chicken feed...input?

    I know this is sorta of topic, well more of a segue. I will give my two cents worth on organic feed in a minute. I noticed RevMichael commented on chemical residue. I wanted to weigh in from read knowledge and personal experience. it is known that modern petro-chemical fertilizers, herbicides...
  10. Domanique Fan

    Help with organic soy free grower feed

    No problem, found a couple of places around us. We are going to get some this weekend and give it a try. Let us know how you like it.
  11. Domanique Fan

    Help with organic soy free grower feed

    Check out Country Side Organics. Their website list dealers by state and is pretty comprehensive. I have honestly only researched them so far, right now ours are getting a commercial organic starter feed. Checked on one store that was listed in Georgia after a chicken keeping class and they sold...
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