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  1. jessietacos

    How often do you clean coop?

    I spot check the roost once a day, clean the interior once a week, and clean the entire run twice a year
  2. jessietacos

    Broody hen hatching chicks, one chick already! (Pic)

    Daww! What a sweet little fuzz ball
  3. jessietacos

    Raising Chicks

    I did six weeks until they are outside, but be paced and cautious when introducing the chickens
  4. jessietacos

    Why have chickens?

    Pros- Chickens are amazing little beans Cons- They poop quite a bit
  5. jessietacos

    bullying / merciless pecking (also paint eating)

    My chickens didn't get along at first, either. I just separated them and let them interact under supervision. Then, if you see bullying, you can correct it. This method worked for me, at least
  6. jessietacos

    A thread for curious chickens

    Share pics of your chickens being curious
  7. jessietacos

    Post favorite chicken treats!

    Those are great ideas! Very helpful:)
  8. jessietacos

    Post favorite chicken treats!

    This thread is for helping give chicken owners ideas for what to feed their chickens:3. My girls' enjoy: 1. Freeze-dried meal worms 2. Mashed up seed crackers 3. Oats 4. Corn 5. Spinach
  9. jessietacos

    Silkie Thread

    What a cutie!
  10. jessietacos

    Silkie Thread

    He's adorable!
  11. jessietacos

    Chicken "in your face" pictures!!

    Abigail in my face:)
  12. jessietacos

    Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

    My four girls are named Abigail, Maybelle, Olive, and Mia
  13. jessietacos

    Silkie Thread

    Post your silkies:3
  14. jessietacos

    egg laying

    I'm glad you're free-ranging:)! Chickens who eat natural organisms make healthier eggs. I heard it also helps to add crushed eggshells to their feed for better egg laying
  15. jessietacos

    2015 BYC Calendar - Your Pictures Needed!

    Milo with his silkie friends!
  16. jessietacos

    will older hens peck younger to death?

    It truely depends on their breed and amount of space they have. I have chickens of different ages, two weeks apart to be exact. When they were younger I had to seperate then a little, but I let them intervene when supervised. Now they can't stand being without each other! I hope this helped:)
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