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  1. Smartconnect

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    What will I do (first brood for me)? I may sell some, but the plan is to keep a few for egg production, and the rest for meat. I actually had a difficult time typing that last part. Dang it...
  2. Smartconnect

    What is the friendliest breed in your opinion?

    I have a Craigslist app on my smartphone that will notify me if a particular keyword is listed like, "Muscovy", "ducklings", "are the best", or something like that. (see what I did there?)
  3. Smartconnect

    Quackers and cheese

    D'oh! I didn't pay enough attention to see that Miss Lydia was posting a pic of her duck for comparison...
  4. Smartconnect

    Do muscovy duck sit on the eggs as they hatch

    Today is the 37th day (yesterday, I too heard the internal peeping), and out of 17 eggs it appears most - if not all - have hatched. They won't be still enough when she steps off the nest, to count.
  5. Smartconnect

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    Today from a clutch of 17 eggs (they won't be still enough for me to count...)
  6. Smartconnect

    Do muscovy duck sit on the eggs as they hatch

    She finally got up.
  7. Smartconnect

    Questions about Muscovy ducks !

    My experience is the same - this is the first clutch for both by ducks. I separated them once the first started laying, and once they both started sitting (about 3 weeks apart) they became very aggressive towards each other.
  8. Smartconnect

    Odd and worrisome behavior of my ducks

    I would suggest not leaving food in the coop at night (for a multitude of reasons), and placing the food and water in a secure area away from the coop and deck to encourage them to spend time elsewhere. I feed mine in the AM and just before dusk, and occasional snacks (fresh cut grass/greens or...
  9. Smartconnect

    Quackers and cheese

    As far as I know, caruncles on ducks are only found on Muscovies.
  10. Smartconnect

    why do my babies keep dying!?!?!?

    Thanks Speceider! Here is a great article that supports this:
  11. Smartconnect

    Aylesbury drake mating

    By 'hen' do you mean duck? I think you are going to have a difficult time introducing any drake around the ducklings, but I am interested in knowing how others would handle it.
  12. Smartconnect

    why do my babies keep dying!?!?!?

    If being fed to ducklings, absolutely does matter if it's medicated!
  13. Smartconnect

    What is the friendliest breed in your opinion?

    Have you looked into local classifieds? I have had some success finding ducks on Craigslist (takes patience though).
  14. Smartconnect

    2 Muscovy ducks gone during day...

    I stand corrected! It must have been a full grown eagle pullet that took Critters' two muscovy ducks! If one can carry a hobbit, then it is easily the handle 15 -18lbs of ducks. (Can someone guess the weight of the hobbit? Apparently, there are a few carnival workers on this thread that are good...
  15. Smartconnect

    2 Muscovy ducks gone during day...

    Not according to this: Or this: Or this: Or this...
  16. Smartconnect

    2 Muscovy ducks gone during day...

    A pullet is not a full grown chicken (no matter how many exclamation points are used).
  17. Smartconnect

    Do muscovy duck sit on the eggs as they hatch

    First brood hatching right now (I caught a peek earlier while momma was taking a break). So far she is still sitting - spread out over 17 eggs...
  18. Smartconnect

    2 Muscovy ducks gone during day...

    If a Bald eagle can only carry about 4 lbs. then a bird of prey didn't carry off a full grown muscovy drake (10-12lbs). Also, 'full grown pullet' is an oxymoron.
  19. Smartconnect

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    Not the point - you will probably get better response to your questions if you post to a more appropriate thread. Trying to be helpful not bossy.
  20. Smartconnect

    Muscovy coloring/genetics question

    @Tessaturtle Imagine the Drake's surprise! Has the momma duck been going out with friends to bars, drinking a lot, and coming home late? Just saying...
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