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  1. schnooks67

    Mom abandoned new born chick

    So - jello (my daughter named the chick) is dry and standing. So i moved the sister hen who hatched the egg - to her own coop (and no she was NOT happy) once she settled I brought out jello to her and they seem to have bonded - she's sitting on the chick now. I will monitor in case I have to...
  2. schnooks67

    Mom abandoned new born chick

    Thank you
  3. schnooks67

    Determining age and going outside full time

    Once they are fully feathered they should be fine outside at night especially at those temps. Your's look old enough to do so, they will probably enjoy being outside!! My chicks always "pig pile" on each other at night. They look around 4 weeks give or take.
  4. schnooks67

    Mom abandoned new born chick

    HELP!! I have experience raising chicks from store, my own incubator and mother hens but never this!! Currently I had a broody hen - Grey baby. Her sister decided she wanted to be part time broody and started sitting on her clutch but would abandon the eggs. She finally settled down and so I...
  5. schnooks67

    First Time Hen hatching clutch - questions

    Thank you so much that was very helpful! I'll just let her do her thing :-)
  6. schnooks67

    First Time Hen hatching clutch - questions

    Help! I have a flock of free range chickens. I've been raising chicks purchased at feed stores over the past 3 years but now I finally have a broody hen! She has been sitting on eggs for 10 days now. When she started to go broody I let her have 1 of my two coops to herself. The rest of my...
  7. Ginger's first egg

    Ginger's first egg

  8. First Eggs

    First Eggs

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