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  1. newchickenmommy

    Dislocated wing?

    I have a one-year-old Cream Legbar with what seems to be a dislocated wing. I noticed that she was holding her right wing a little lower than the other, and when I picked her up to see what was wrong with it I could tell it felt different. It seems very stiff, it is not moving freely, she can't...
  2. newchickenmommy

    Chicks and Grit

    I have a new batch of chicks, between 5 and 7 weeks old. I pieced the flock together over a couple week period. My question is: because they are not free ranging just yet, do I need to give them chick grit before giving them treats like strawberries, lettuce, or tomatoes? So far all I have...
  3. newchickenmommy

    Feeding chicks supplements

    I have 19 new chicks, and although I have never done this in the past, I am wondering if I should be feeding them supplements - like probiotic powder or extra protein. I do add a little ACV to their water, and when someone seemed to have diarrhea, I did give them a little dried oregano mixed...
  4. newchickenmommy

    what do you feed a runt chick to put weight on?

    Not sure there is anything you can do to make her grow. Maybe she is just growing slower. I have an Austrolorp that is about 2 weeks old, and her sister is twice her size. She is eating and drinking fine, but the poor little thing is so small. I too hope she grows pretty soon or the others will...
  5. newchickenmommy

    My chicken is fluffing its feathers up in the nesting box and not moving

    Your hen is brooding, and she may sit that way for a month, or more. You can either wait it out, just make sure she gets food and water. I take mine off the nest myself a couple times a day, and they scratch around a little, or maybe get a quick drink, but then it's right back to the nest...
  6. newchickenmommy

    Broody hen

    I have a Black Australorp that is brooding right now too. She has been brooding for weeks, and I was growing tired of kicking her off the nest everyday and worrying about her starving or dehydrating. I went to a rummage sale yesterday and bought a dog crate (wire style) for $5.00, and had my...
  7. newchickenmommy

    Lethargic Chick

    What finally happened to your chick? I have a chick doing the same thing. This morning, I think she is dying. She seems to be struggling to breathe now, but has been just as you described, lethargic for a couple days.
  8. newchickenmommy

    1 month old chick is lethargic, dying.

    I have a one month old Buff Orphington that seemes fine last week, but began to be lethargic a few days ago. She would just stand under the light, and close here eyes. She seemed like she was drinking and I saw her eating, but still very lethargic. While everyone elese is pecking aorund and...
  9. newchickenmommy

    1 Hen in flock of 10 with 1 puffy eye..Any Ideas?

    No, I never did see the worm, that's why I said "I think". She was just out in the coop with the other hens, eating medicated chick starter, but that doesn't mean something didn't get in there, and she ate it. And yes, she was scratching her eye, a lot.
  10. newchickenmommy

    1 Hen in flock of 10 with 1 puffy eye..Any Ideas?

    I have a young chick who had a swelled up eye, watery looking in the corner of the eye, like Pink Eye. I thought she might have been pecked in the eye too. It turns out she had something called Eye Worm (I think). Anyway, I used Vet RX to treat her, and after treating once a day for several...
  11. newchickenmommy

    Chick with a swollen eye

    Just an update in case anyone reads this and wants to know. I tried the Neosporin and warm compresses, to no avail. It did nothing for her. Then I called our local Farm and Garden and talked to Tom, the local Chicken expert. He told me she probably had Eye Worm, and said to get Vet RX and give...
  12. newchickenmommy

    Chick with a swollen eye

    Her eye is swollen, but her nostrils are fine and she isn't having trouble breathing. Her eye looks a little watery. I did a warm compress and Neosporin last night and then again tonight. She looks a little better today I think, not much but a little. Poor little thing. It looks itchy and...
  13. newchickenmommy

    Can I use a regular bulb in a heat lamp??

    I never use heat lamps. Too hot. I start with a 75 watt light bulb, move to a 60 watt, and finally down to a 40 watt before removing it altogether.
  14. newchickenmommy

    Chick with a swollen eye

    I have 7 chicks, about 3 - 4 weeks old. When I got home from work today I noticed that my little Barred Rock has one eye that looks a little swollen. The other eye looks fine and none of the other chicks have anything wrong at all. Is there something to be concerned about?? What would cause...
  15. newchickenmommy

    Eggs with yolk all over them.

    I have 6 laying hens, and one of them is laying eggs with no shell AND no membrane (I think). It started about amonth ago. There is always a mess in the nest, egg white and yolk, and it is generally all over a good egg. I am gone to work all day while it is happening, so I can't tell who is...
  16. newchickenmommy

    Egg with no shell, no membrane

    I have the same problem. That's what I logged in today to see about. Have you gotten any answers? This is my second batch of chickens in 4 years, and I have never had this happen before. There is always a mess in the nest. Grose.
  17. newchickenmommy

    I am totally getting discouraged about keeping chickens...

    I live in a suburb of Minneapolis, MN and we have a little over an acre of land, and a fairly private yard. I live in an area that says you can have a horse if you have 2 1/2 acres, but you need 3 acres to have chickens. How stupid is THAT. It is a noise ordinance thing. My husband built the...
  18. newchickenmommy

    Dark Brahma eggs

    Well, I guess I am assuming it is the Dark Brahma because I saw her sitting on the nest today, but I guess I really am not sure. It could have been anyone! I will have to keep a better eye on them if I can. I was at work when whoever left their little gift!
  19. newchickenmommy

    Dark Brahma eggs

    I bought two Dark Brahma chicks mid-March. They were just a few days old when I got them. They are 4 months old. I also got 2 Buff Orphington's and 2 Rhode Island Reds that were about same age then, so they all grew up together. Happy little chicken family. Yesterday, I went to give them water...
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