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  1. valereee

    Montgomery Ohio Chicken Ordinance

    Montgomery Ohio Chicken Ordinance Are Chickens Allowed in this location Yes Max Chickens Allowed 6 Roosters Allowed No Permit Required No Coop Restrictions Coops and enclosures must not be visible from the street, must be screened from neighboring properties by fencing or...
  2. valereee

    Valereees Page

    How We Changed Our City's Chicken Laws How To Get Started Changing Your City's Chicken Laws
  3. valereee

    Where Do You Start

    How To Get Started Changing Your City's Chicken Laws Where do you even start when you want to change your city's chicken laws? 1. Find out exactly what your laws are. This is crucial; don't simply assume that because someone has told you that chickens aren't allowed that this is true. There...
  4. valereee

    How We Changed Our Laws

    How We Changed Our Chicken-Keeping Laws In February of 2009, Cati O'Keefe was keeping chickens in Montgomery OH, just four doors down from City Hall. Based on her own reading of the ordinances, she believed it was legal. One of her neighbors was so enthralled with her chickens that she asked...
  5. valereee

    Sample Letter

    Here is a sample letter to start the process to change chicken laws in your town: David Pepper Hamilton County Commissioner 138 E. Court St. Cincinnati OH 45202 cc: Greg Hartmann, Todd Portune, Russ Sparks December 9, 2009 Dear Commissioner Pepper, We are Hamilton County residents...
  6. valereee

    How bout a Gypsy Wagon coop ???

    Oh, they're here on the forum! LOL! I never scrolled down that far! Thanks! Quote: Valereee, I have family in Newtown. Try here for the listing........
  7. valereee

    How To Get Started Changing Your City's Chicken Laws

    I've put together a page on how to get started changing your city's chicken laws .
  8. valereee

    How bout a Gypsy Wagon coop ???

    BYC has classifieds? I can't seem to find them! Quote:
  9. valereee

    How bout a Gypsy Wagon coop ???

    Where in Cincy? I'm in Montgomery. Do you have a website? Quote: Thank you, Debbie ! I do have peeps in Cincy, maybe we could work something out ?
  10. valereee

    I just got a letter from the zoning board :*(

    First, don't beat yourself up over something you didn't do. You can't change what's past. Then, take a deep breath and plan your battle. You -can- fight city hall, but you have to do it the right way. Get them on your side, then keep them there. Go into this with the attitude that the...
  11. valereee

    HELP NEEDED ~ challenge to relax our Ordinance FOUNTAIN COLORADO

    Here's a document we used to convince our city to change our ordinances: Chickens for Montgomery
  12. valereee

    Uncle Sam Expects You To Keep Hens and Raise Chickens !!

    Pineapple (or anyone), do you have this in a form that's just one per page? I'd love to print it off and frame it, but I need a bit of margin. I can't get to the picasa versions. Thanks for any help! Val Quote:
  13. valereee

    They didn't even bother to write a law?

    In the unincorporated areas of our county (Hamilton Co, OH) there are actually GREATER restrictions than in many of the incorporated areas. There are people living in uninc. areas on lots of 3/4 acre who can't have chickens, while the people just down the road inside the town line can have them...
  14. valereee

    Quick City Limit Question

    So do you qualify? The 100' from any property line means you need an acre, and then of course the distance-from-neighboring-houses thing. Quote:
  15. valereee

    Quick City Limit Question

    Depends on the laws in your township/county/state. In the unincorporated townships in our county (Hamilton County, OH) you can have chickens if their coop is at least 100 feet from every property line. Where are you located? Val Quote:
  16. valereee

    Local Paper prints anti-chicken editorial

    I posted a comment on the editorial. It was easy -- I had to register with Disqus, but that took about 30 seconds. It's awaiting moderation. It would be nice if others would go post comments at the editorial . Val
  17. valereee

    Coalition of Animal Sanctuaries Urges Ban on Backyard Chickens

    Katherine, I still think that page is a great idea! In addition to this stuff we're working on here, there's a document on scribd that goes into a lot of other possible objections/concerns/questions. Quote: I also like what you and AZKat are working on here. It had occurred to me to make...
  18. valereee

    Coalition of Animal Sanctuaries Urges Ban on Backyard Chickens

    Okay, quick check of these shelters' websites. Animal Place -- no adoptable animals listed on their site, but they placed 400 hens this time last year from a factory-farm rescue. Chicken Run -- 2 roos listed as up for adoption, one stray, one owner surrender Eastern Shore -- currently has 40...
  19. valereee

    Coalition of Animal Sanctuaries Urges Ban on Backyard Chickens

    This might not be strong enough...arguing that they aren't that bad might make it look like we just don't have a response to this. Maybe we could add something to it reiterating that surprise roosters are rare, that roosters are possible to rehome, and that chicken-keepers are no more likely to...
  20. valereee

    Coalition of Animal Sanctuaries Urges Ban on Backyard Chickens

    It's tricky to try to claim anything is true of all. I'm sure there are any number who would say the government can't tell them not to slaughter a chicken on the driveway where the neighbor's preschooler can see. Maybe: Owners of chickens, just like owners of dogs and cats, can be required...
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