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  1. oliverj102

    3 month old chicken suddenly lathargic

    Update, I force fed her some food as its been 5 days since she ate. She was really not happy about it, but 5m later attacked her food bowl and demolished it. Silly chicken acted like she forgot how much she liked food. She was back to normal withing hours and wanting out of the cage.
  2. oliverj102

    3 month old chicken suddenly lathargic

    Update: The medicine arrived yesterday, Coxoid Oral Solution. It said to mix it with 4.5 litres of water so I scaled it down to 1 litre as she is a small chicken! Ive also been massaging her front where her Crop as initially it was all doughy and enlarged, I thought it might have something...
  3. oliverj102

    3 month old chicken suddenly lathargic

    She is so fluffy its hard to get fingers through the puff ball. I think i can feel her crop, it might be a little blocked but its hard to tell. Ive been syringe watering her, she will hake half a dozen drips before protesting. in case its impacted ive removed her feed, she is quite fat so not...
  4. oliverj102

    3 month old chicken suddenly lathargic

    She is just sat hunkered, no physical symptoms, like she is going to sleep. Wings tucked in, crouched down and looks like a golden ball of feathers. The other 6 from her hatch are all fine and running round so it cant be nutrient deficiency as 2 days ago she was eating fine. Need to point out...
  5. oliverj102

    3 month old chicken suddenly lathargic

    Hi there, 3 months ago I hatched some postal Buff Orpington chicks, the pure ones that are really fluffy and sit low to the ground. last night when I was putting them to bed one wasnt keep to join the others, it had just hunkered down at the entrance to the coop. I picked her up and placed her...
  6. oliverj102

    An unfortunate time to pip!

    I think ill give them the added water just in case. Call ducks seem so much more fragile then chickens. But so much cuter!! They are desperate to swim too, their water bowl is getting refilled hourly as they are splashing the water out of it. Its very shallow tho so they cant get wet in it.
  7. oliverj102

    An unfortunate time to pip!

    Update: I went in the following morning to check on them, bracing myself for a dead Duckling. I went to the incubator and they were both lead next to eachother, I sat down, tapped the glass and both ducklings sprung up! The one that was unwell is a little behind the other in development but they...
  8. oliverj102

    An unfortunate time to pip!

    Checked the eggs this morning, one duck egg was definitely stalled, the other 2 chirping away. The both pipped yesterday morning but couldn't progress, I investigated and the membrane was totally white and dried out all over. The chicks had a beak out but were shrink wrapped! I managed to...
  9. oliverj102

    An unfortunate time to pip!

    Update: After 48 hours of chirping I caved and looked at the egg. I sanded the shell until it was a small hole then used my nail to unzip it. I found what the issue was. The chick hadnt pipped as it had no beak.... Must have been a birth defect but it was a horrible sight. 30 seconds of...
  10. oliverj102

    An unfortunate time to pip!

    The last remaining chick is still unpipped tho chirping a lot. Ive candled the egg and its in the air sack but the shell is still perfect. All the others hatched within 24 hours, this one was chirping too but didnt pip. A duck is now hatching next to it but this poor chick just sounds stuck in...
  11. oliverj102

    An unfortunate time to pip!

    7 chicks out now and on the brooder.. only as they looked like sardines in the incubator! There is 1 chicken egg left. Its not pipped but the chick is chirping up a storm. I'd love to help it but the hatch is like a right of passage... don't want to help a sick chick only to watch it slowly...
  12. oliverj102

    An unfortunate time to pip!

    5 chick's hatched now out of 8, sods law ita all girls haha. New breed so for once I wanted a boy:D
  13. oliverj102

    An unfortunate time to pip!

    Update, within 5m of me going in the kitchen and turning the lights on, there was a loud chirpy sound and 2 more piped. So glad I moved them when I did. My old incubator was one off amazon, looked fancy, held 48 eggs, auto turning, humidity and temp controls, made in China... too bad it didn't...
  14. oliverj102

    An unfortunate time to pip!

    I thought it was just 2 days. I've seem them interested in food in the first 24 hours! Little fatties! No progress on the pip overnight, it did progress a few hours after the first break so I'd imagine it's resting. I've heated the brooder up just in case. This is day 16 for the chicks and 22...
  15. oliverj102

    An unfortunate time to pip!

    Hi there, Ive encountered a problem. Im hatching a set of eggs, today was Day 17. Normally Id start lockdown tomorrow but for some reason thought, I should maybe do them now. I candle them all and every one of them was moving at the air sack line, so i thought, "good call" they are eager to...
  16. oliverj102

    Egg viability timeline

    Day 22 and nothing happening, I took the eggs out for a closer look and all 4 looked like they didnt get past lumpy soup, it was just the angle of the light making them look darker. Very disappointed
  17. oliverj102

    Egg viability timeline

    Day 18, started lockdown. 8 out of 12 eggs had no development, 3 had amber like Crystal's on the outside of the shell! Of the remaining 4, 1 is looking ok, the other 3 I'm not hopeful for but they may just be sat in the egg low down. I've contacted the seller about replacements as I'm down...
  18. oliverj102

    Egg viability timeline

    They just arrived, cold as ice. No idea how as its 15 degrees outside even now. I've candled them looking for cracks, all shells are intact, a few have dark masses inside, all are detached. It's their core temperature that is concerning me most, eggs from the fridge feel the same temperature!
  19. oliverj102

    Egg viability timeline

    Still no eggs... they have been out for delivery for 3 days now... starting to wonder if they are gonna be delivering a box of eggs or scrambled eggs in this heat...
  20. oliverj102

    Egg viability timeline

    Hey there, I know this is essentially how long is a piece of string but I need advice from more experienced hatchers then myself! I ordered some exhibition Buff Orpington hatching eggs last week, they were shipped on thursday. I dont know the age when they got packed but worst case lets say 48...
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