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  1. mesquiteman

    Rooster misses what he is pecking at!

    Not an emergency or a disease that I am aware of nor an injury. I have a 15 week old Cream Legbar cock that has a peculiar disability that he has had since we can remember. When he pecks at something, he is low by about 1/2"! If he is trying to catch a cricket or pick up a treat, he keeps...
  2. mesquiteman

    Old wives tale or truth? Cream of tartar for diarrhea in chickens water:

    AVC is Apple Cider Vinegar. Can't help with the rest but thought I would help out here!
  3. mesquiteman

    Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

    We have 11 and my wife, 8 year old daughter, and I named them. They are: Uno --Blue Copper Marans (top of the pecking order) Domino - Silver Laced Wyandotte Wiggy - Beautifully crested Cream Legbar Pullet Speckles - Speckled Sussex Skid - Golden Campine (she was and addition and was very...
  4. mesquiteman

    Do you use sand in your coop/run? Here is my solution to cleaning up!

    Maybe I should patent it and start selling them. I could end up with my own late night infomercial and become rich! I can see it now...Get your new Super Dooper Pooper Scooper now for only $49.95 plus shipping and handling. But wait, if you act now, we will send you a second Super Dooper...
  5. mesquiteman

    Do you use sand in your coop/run? Here is my solution to cleaning up!

    This is our first time raising chickens. We have had our coop and girls since June and, after reading here and a couple of blogs, I decided to go with sand for the coop. Initially I bought a kitty litter scoop to clean up the poop but that was a real pain. I then found a long handled kitty...
  6. mesquiteman

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Thank you all for the replies and the critique on our prized girl! I will try to post back once she has grown up a little more and get a new critique. This was fun! Maybe there should be a critique forum or thread on here somewhere for posts like mine!
  7. mesquiteman

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Thank you Desertmarcy! I appreciate your reply and info! Too much color, huh? I would have never thought that could be an issue! Of course she is beautiful to us. As a matter of fact, everyone who sees her thinks she is our most beautiful bird and our flock includes Silver Laced...
  8. mesquiteman

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    One other thing...I am not into showing chickens. However, can anyone tell me how close to the breed standard "Uno" appears based on the pics? Just for curiosity more than anything else! Thanks
  9. mesquiteman

    Marans Thread - breed discussion & pictures are welcome!

    Hello folks, Just thought I would share a pic of "Uno", our Blue Copper Marans. My 8 year old daughter (only child) gave her that name since she was the largest of the chicks we got and is the head hancho of the flock, thus uno, Spanish for One! Anyway, she is right at 16 weeks and is...
  10. mesquiteman

    Swedish Flower Hen...Pullet or Roo?

    We bought this Swedish Flower Hen unsexed at a day old from a local breeder. It got a really bad eye infection and at one point, we did not think it was going to make it. After a lot of intensive care, it has come through with flying colors and is playing catch up on growing. It is full of...
  11. mesquiteman

    Eye issues, sick chicks need help!

    I thought I would update this thread a little. Things have improved significantly here and all issues are gone for the moment! My Swedish Flower Hen that was the sickest and looked the worst is finally better and growing like a weed! I ended up curing her eye issue with ionic silver applied...
  12. mesquiteman

    Is it a bad idea to put nesting boxes under the roost?

    Thank you, ECBW! As for our gets really cold here...typical lows in the low 30's with a few nights dropping into the 20's!
  13. mesquiteman

    Is it a bad idea to put nesting boxes under the roost?

    I have a new coop and flock that has not started roosting off the ground yet, let alone laying. This is our first time keeping chickens. I am planning my nesting boxes and roost but have limited area due to open windows, etc. I was wondering if it is a bad idea to place the nesting boxes...
  14. mesquiteman

    Eye issues, sick chicks need help!

    Thanks for the link, Kathy. I will keep it handy should I need it on the SFH chick.
  15. mesquiteman

    Eye issues, sick chicks need help!

    Quick update...the rooster seems to be all well. As soon as I got the junk out of his eye, it cleared up and was completely normal the next day. The Swedish Flower Hen, however, still has the eye issue. She is still alive and actually doing very well, just the eye infection that will not go...
  16. mesquiteman

    Eye issues, sick chicks need help!

    Kathy, Today I spent a little time massaging the blob and got it moving. I ended up being able to get it out and it was HUGE for his size! It was hard like cheese too. After doing that chick, I was able to get some out of the eye of the Swedish Flower Hen. She is still alive, btw, and...
  17. mesquiteman

    Eye issues, sick chicks need help!

    I spoke to the breeder I got all my birds from and let them know that I was having an issue. Since this is a completely new flock and I have not been around any other chickens and have not had anyone here that has been around any chickens, it is likely that whatever I have came from their. She...
  18. mesquiteman

    Eye issues, sick chicks need help!

    No, I am not worried about cost at all. Well, unless it was going to be many hundreds! I just don't have any dead birds at the moment. The others that died were disposed of before I had even head of doing it. If I have another die, I will certainly do it. You mention drawing blood and...
  19. mesquiteman

    Eye issues, sick chicks need help!

    One question for those more experienced...lets assume it is something such as mycoplasma or coryza. I know that if it is one of those, my entire flock is infected and will always be carriers. Is it unethical of me to bring in more chicks in the future? Of course I know that it is highly...
  20. mesquiteman

    Eye issues, sick chicks need help!

    Oh, and thank you VERY much for the offer of telephone help, Kathy. I do sincerely appreciate it. The sickest one, the Swedish Flower Hen, was eating and drinking on her own some this afternoon and evening before I her to roost. Her crop had stuff in it so I think she is ok from that...
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