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  1. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    please do!
  2. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Check the varmint laws in your area.
  3. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Sorry I'm near Clio,Mi.
  4. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    So I wasn't sure where to post this so I figured it couldnt hurt to start locally. My wife and I found out she was pregnant a few weeks ago so needless to say she is off chicken duty for a while. And with the crazy scatter shot overtime hours I've been pulling at work I've not been able to take...
  5. Lonetengu

    Chicken acting drunk

    I am having a similar issue with a hen. Except she has one additional symptom she's staring upward a majority of the time curling her neck funny. I brought her into quarantine but have no clue what to do
  6. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    got a question for everybody. one of my hens got rather seriously pecked by the other. to the point where the better part of her tail is missing. luckily though it looks like i caught them at it before she was too throughly injured to survive. i isolated her and cleaned her bloody bits as best i...
  7. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    yea like @preciouskitty said i have a RIR rooster looking for a home if youre interested let me know
  8. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    lol good name we hadn't really named him. oh i had a question for everyone else too. what does everyone do for the winters up here? i keep reading a bunch of contrary info on heating or not heating
  9. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    lol first egg. And @chickwhispers one roo down one to go. Trefoil was nice enough to take the EE from me.
  10. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Well other than still needing to find a home for my rhode island roo my ladies finally gave us our first egg out of this flock! More than a little happy about that as its my first time having chickens.
  11. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    im nearly in the city. and with my neighbors so close I cant keep a roo. we dont free range very often with them because the local kids are ... less then friendly lets say. but when we do one of us is normally out there with them. but i just need to find my poor red a good home before the...
  12. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    yea according to that the hatchery i got them from were just mis informed hes definitely a EE. Trefoil on this site picked him up about 5 hours after my first post though so im glad he made it to a good home. if anyone would want to be a good home to my red let me know! thanks for all the help...
  13. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    no worries. yea they're pretty nice. they're both very mellow. the only thing they really dont like is being picked up so they run away if you try to pick them up most of the time. other than that though they're pretty mellow.
  14. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    This is the Aracauna and this is the rhode island red. The red has only just started attempting to crow but theyre both pretty quiet. We have a little farm just south of clio,mi and these two snuck home with us when we got our last batch of layers. any other questions about them just ask and...
  15. Lonetengu

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    so i have a question for this thread. I have two roosters im trying to rehome in the michigan area would this be the place to post them until i have enough posts to put them in bst? one is a Rhode island red and the other is a Araucana who is black and white and gorgeous. if this is the wrong...
  16. Lonetengu

    Start from the beginning i suppose: Hello World!

    Hi all Lone Tengu here, though I tend to just go by Tengu. I only recently got chickens at the behest of my long time girlfriend missing having a flock we have 2 araucanas 2 black australorps 1 jersey giant 2 buff orpingtons 4 lavender orpingtons, 2 barred rocks 2 rhode island reds 3 ancona...
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