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  1. Margy1

    Pale semi-lethargic chicken! Please help!

    I do not know if she has been laying eggs or not. The two girls that are together in the one picture both lay identical green eggs, and I can't tell the difference. She was walking around and scratching in the grass today, but was still VERY pale.She is separated from the other girls and is...
  2. Margy1

    Pale semi-lethargic chicken! Please help!

    Yesterday she was laying around most of the day, but still alert and would move if I went near her or anything. Today she is scratching and walking around. There is plenty of cold water and room, there is also a lot of shade. She is not acting hot. Her comb and face are extremely pale. You can...
  3. Margy1

    Summer weight loss??

    I mentioned in my original post, they are Easter Eggers. We discovered she has bumblefoot, we will be treating this weekend, poor girl :(. I have been looking online, but can not find anything that says what the ideal weight for her would be. I don't think that any of them are overweight though...
  4. Margy1

    Summer weight loss??

    oh yes, all three of them are laying. Almost every day we get three eggs :) They have been laying since Dec.
  5. Margy1

    Summer weight loss??

    I have to double check with him as he is usually the one who brings the feed out because I can not lift the bag.When I am home and I am outside with them, which I frequently go out and spend time with them or watch from afar, I have noticed they are dust bathing and playing more now then they...
  6. Margy1

    Summer weight loss??

    Is it normal for chickens to loose weight when the heat gets bad? This will be the girls first summer, and they seem to all have lost a bit of weight. We are in FL and it has been in the 90s for the past few weeks. They are in the shade, get a cool treat, they now have electrolytes in their...
  7. Margy1

    Is she a terrible chicken owner or am I completely over-reacting?

    I don't know that they would do anything. Where we live they are not really any good :(. I also just read on FB that she just got a puppy!! :(
  8. Margy1

    Is she a terrible chicken owner or am I completely over-reacting?

    It is very sad, and I did tell her that her chickens would die, and that they couldn't live how she had them. I told her about the food, that they needed a roof, etc. and she ignored the whole thing, told me that they would be fine. The whole thing makes me so mad and so sad, Our chickens have a...
  9. Margy1

    Is she a terrible chicken owner or am I completely over-reacting?

    That is the coop/run for the chickens and ducks, see the ducks shelter? The blue thing... I tried telling her the day that she did it that she needed to put something over top, anything, I read somewhere ( i think on BYC) about this lady who put colored string on top of her run to keep out the...
  10. Margy1

    Is she a terrible chicken owner or am I completely over-reacting?

    So I got chickens back in August, my friend thought they were cool, said her uncle used to have chickens, and she wanted some when she moved...well she moved and got herself some ducks and chickens... I don't know anything about ducks, but know a little about chickens, and it just breaks my...
  11. Margy1

    Chicken Emergency!!!!

    One of our girls got a hold on a piece of duct tape, Very thin in width about 4-6 inches long. We tried to grab her before she ate it but we weren't quick enough. What do we do?!?!?! edited to add:: the tape is probably not sticky at all, she found it in the sand.
  12. Margy1


    Thank you!!! It was nerve wrecking, I wanted to cry, and I just kept telling them they were okay and how sorry I was, my poor fiance felt so bad as he was digging all of the stuff out. I hope we NEVER have to do that again, although, the actual "surgery" wasn't to hard to complete. We are...
  13. Margy1


    okay we got everyone done!!! It wasn't to to hard. We got the scab off, all the pus out, and I believe all the kernels, we stopped when it was all live tissue and blood and no more pus. I wasn't really looking I was just talking to my girls and keeping them calm. The first girl we did is just...
  14. Margy1


    I believe I know what caused it, they have a little ramp to get down from their chicken coop into the attached run, however they NEVER use the dang thing to get down, only to get up, so they are jumping down every morning, so they land on the dirt on the ground, and im sure theres a little acorn...
  15. Margy1


    oh thank you!!! I knew I needed a knife when I was reading everything but when I made my list I completely forgot! We are going to do it when my fiance gets home from work today. He feels confident, I am really nervous. We lost a chicken in January, she had a disease that started with a T (I...
  16. Margy1


    Two of our girls have what we think is bumblefoot. There is the black dot and very little swelling. One of our girls has it on both feet and the one in the picture only has it on the one foot. My fiance and I have been reading all evening and he has been watching videos on doing the "surgery" to...
  17. Margy1

    She is letting her rip out her feathers?!

    IS there something that she perhaps is missing in her diet? She's not hurting her, like I said she lets her do it, and there's no blood or anything, its almost like Peckers has dirty feathers and Princess wants to clean them, but is too rough Lol. But we just lost one of our girls in January...
  18. Margy1

    She is letting her rip out her feathers?!

    We have an americana and some EE. The americana has the big puffy face. one of the other girls Princess keeps pulling out the puffy feathers on her neck and the americana (Peckers) is letter her! She will stand there and not move, look straight up in the air and let Princess pull out the...
  19. Margy1

    Protecting chickens from unnormally cold weather??

    We have EE. The one who sleeps on the porch does sleep in a corner but she is exposed to wind from the top and on two sides. The ones who sleep in the coop I am not as concerned about because I know they will huddle together. I don't know how badly she will freak out if we bring her inside. She...
  20. Margy1

    Protecting chickens from unnormally cold weather??

    That is what someone else suggested with the open box. ( I also posted to a farming group on Facebook) I think as long as she knows she can get out if she wants to she will be fine. I wish she was still broody...when she was broody and it got cold we brought her basket she sleeps on into the...
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