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  1. VPless

    Comment by 'VPless' in article 'Kenji's member page'

    Kenji - I love your chicken blog almost as much as the Pyrex pictures! Just beautiful :)
  2. VPless

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    I bought 6 in April 2014. Lost 2 last year to same symptoms. Had another recently that started. Bought her in and fed her yogurt mixed with wheat germ, scrambled eggs,polyvisol.. anything to entice her to eat. She seems to have recovered. I was getting an egg from each pretty much everyday for...
  3. VPless

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    I have 5 layers (6th one has not laid since she got sick last summer) I get 3 to 5 eggs a day - every day - even in the winter with no additional lighting - for almost 2 years (they started laying in July 2014 and I bought them in April 2014) I feed them a mix of Layena plus and scratch with...
  4. VPless

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    Speaking of mine which I bought 2 years ago this month - they are sweet goodnatured birds. I bought 6 of them and they have laid almost non stop since they were about 3 months old. I would have bought more last year or this year but have not seen them again at the TSC. Their eggs are a light...
  5. VPless

    North Carolina

    Hi - small world :) Thank you
  6. VPless

    North Carolina

    Just found this post - Davie County NC for me. Mother to 6 Tetra Tints, a pair of Silver Laced Polish, pair of Black with white topknot Polish, 7 noisy Guineas, 2 goats, assorted cats and a husband :)
  7. VPless

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    Mine are all sweet girls and I could hold and pet them all.. until she went broody. I can still pet/hold the others. Henzilla follows me around (along with the 5 Guineas) when I let them out.. but won't let me pick her up.. Hoping she will return to her old self. She is probably mad because I...
  8. VPless

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    Yes, one of my 6 (hatched in early April) went broody a few weeks ago.. comb is smaller and not bright red and floppy and she won't let me pick her up or touch her... had to lock her in the small coop for a few days to break her. No rooster and no room for more chickens right now. She really...
  9. VPless

    Hi my name is Vicki :)

    Thank you all :)
  10. VPless

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    Congratulations :) That is such an exciting moment when you find your first one! oops - maybe not first one - but hope they continue to lay for you. Eggs should get bigger over time :)
  11. VPless

    Hi my name is Vicki :)

    Thank you all :) This site has so much information - I love it :)
  12. VPless

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    Quote: They were about a week old when we bought them so maybe 16 or 17 weeks. We weren't expecting them to start for another few weeks and still had them on chick starter. Switched to the Purina Layena Plus and gave them some additional oyster shell. The first few eggs (only 1 every other day)...
  13. VPless

    Hi my name is Vicki :)

    I had chickens 30 years ago - Buff Cochins - but decided to raise some again this year. Bought 6 Tetra Tint pullets from Tractor Supply and am very happy with them. Not a fancy chicken but sweet and very productive. I have been reading the forums here since I decided to get some and finally...
  14. VPless

    The Tetra Tint thread.. (Photos, info) ❤

    I bought 6 of these girls in early April - started getting eggs the end of July.. every few days another would start. Now getting 6 a day pretty much every day. They do start off small - the first one was about 1.5 inches... one I got the other day was 2.5 inches and a double yolk. Because the...
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