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  1. Ozchick222

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hi all. A question from someone who has only had cooks since last sept. My 2 araucanas who were hatched around July started laying in January. Yay! They havent laid an egg since mid March now. Why has this happened? They aren't moulting, no parasites, healthy, happy. I'm a little puzzled &...
  2. Ozchick222

    Araucanas - I'm confused

    The pics are of two of my Australian araucanas. The white is a young roo about 12 weeks old. Looks ratty as his feathers are still coming in.He had just had his crest and muff feathers trimmed around his eyes. In one pic of the black girl she's about 12 weeks too and you can see how her muffs &...
  3. Ozchick222

    Araucana can't see?

    I have 3 Australian araucanas & trim the feathers on their crests and ear muffs when they start hang over their eyes.My favorite black girl is attracted to my black min poodle and often runs up to him. She was pecking at his feet the other day so I decided it was time for a trim so she could...
  4. Ozchick222

    What breeds have buttercup combs?

    I live in Australia. My neighbor has chickens with buttercup combs. He doesn't know what breed they are. They are between a regular chicken & bantam size of regular chicken . They are buff with darker hackles & some black spots on the hackles. Their earlobes are 3/4 white with a tiny bit of pink...
  5. Ozchick222

    Why and how do chickens purr?

    Mine purr when they dust bath in dirt I've hosed on a hot day. Love the sound. I would never have believed chickens could purr.
  6. Ozchick222

    Chickens making purring sounds?

    I'm knew to having chickens as well and have wondered about this 'purring' noise. Mine make it when they are content/happy. For example, it has been up round 38 degrees Celsius & when I hose the lawn and 'their' bit of garden, they purr when they dirt bath. I'm guessing it's cos it helps cool...
  7. Ozchick222

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Hi. I'm also in Australia. This looks like an Ameracauna pullet to me. I have not come across Ameracaunas in Australia I've only seen Aracaunas which is the Australian Standard Breed similar to Ameracauna but with a top notch.How old is she and does her comb only have one row of bumps?
  8. Ozchick222

    Giddy from Australia

    I've been reading avidly here and have found the site so helpful. I've just started out with 3 Araucanas 11,9 & 7 weeks old( as they are called in Australia.. similar to Ameracaunas) and 2 Barneveldas 9 weeks old. Thanks everyone for all your help full information. I'm now off to find a thread...
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