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  1. Dizzygirl

    Clark Farm, Higganum, CT

    Cancel and get your money back. This place is terrible.
  2. Dizzygirl


  3. Dizzygirl


    Sorry just saw you listed your flock.
  4. Dizzygirl


    Greenfield Hill. How many chickens do you have?
  5. Dizzygirl


    Hi Cindy, I too live in Fairfield!! I have 2 RIR's, 3 white Leghorns, 2 Auracaunas, 1 Buff Cochin and 1 Golden Laced Wyandotte Roo.
  6. Dizzygirl

    Clark Farm, Higganum, CT

    Hi, we were looking to supplement our flock about a year ago and bought 4 chicks from here. I had originally wanted Auracaunas and barred rocks and she promised i would have these at about 16 weeks of age. Like you, I was concerned when I turned up to a house with a large bin in the driveway...
  7. Dizzygirl


    Chickens are legal in Fairfield.
  8. Dizzygirl

    Downsizing Flock - Fairfield, Connecticut

    Hi, I'm in Fairfield, CT too! I have 7 hens and have just got another 4 nine week old pullets! Where in Fairfield are you? I'm up in Greenfield Hill.
  9. Dizzygirl


    Hi mastiffs07, sorry just seen your post. Here's a pic of my coop which I bought from Benedicts, and the run, which my DH made! Just covered the lower half of the north & west walls of the run with plastic sheeting to give the girls some protection against the wind.
  10. Dizzygirl


    Hi Kherokee I'm in Fairfield. I have 7 hens: 4 RIR's & 3 WL's. I did have 8 girls but lost one to a hawk when they were out free ranging. The cold is brutal but I think they'll be ok - they huddle together in the coop at night. You definitely need to get your hen some companions, they are very...
  11. Dizzygirl

    Pullet questions?

    Hi Fringe, I am in Fairfield. I have 8 hens. 5 of them are Rhode Island Reds and 3 are White Leghorns. Some days I get 5 eggs, others (like yesterday) 2. I would love to get an Australorp in the spring for those blue eggs! My hens were very timid for the first couple of weeks until they got used...
  12. Dizzygirl

    Pullet questions?

    Hi Heather (Fringe). The girls look lovely! They look like mine did when I first got them - small pale combs. You'll notice their combs deepening in color and getting bigger when they get more mature and ready to lay. The roost definitely needs to be about 4" wide so they can cover their feet...
  13. Dizzygirl

    Pullet questions?

    Hi Fringe, I have 5 RIR and 3 White Leghorns which didn't start laying till they were about 27 weeks old! I thought I was never going to get an egg! I think I have 4 RIR's laying and 2 of the leghorns laying at the moment. Because of the shorter days, the others might not lay until Spring, but I...
  14. Dizzygirl


    Hi, So sorry to hear about your birds :( Did you get soemone to catch the racoon? There is a great guy by the name of Tom Logan, I think he lives in Easton. 203 375 1211. He will set cages and relocate the animals. I'm in Fairfield by the way!
  15. Dizzygirl


  16. Dizzygirl

    New to Back Yard Chickens!

    Hi Michael, the run has a solar roof panel over half its length, so that they can come outside but still be protected against the elements. We also ran boards around part of the outside, about a foot or so up for the same reason.
  17. Dizzygirl

    New to Back Yard Chickens!

    Hi, I'm new to chicken keeping and just got my first chickens last Thursday. We have 5 Rhode Island Red's and 3 White Leghorns who are all around 19 weeks old. Can't wait for my first egg! Here are some pics of the coop (bought) and run (made by my very handy husband).
  18. Dizzygirl


    Hi Nab58. Don't know where you are exactly but there is a feed store in Monroe called Benedict's. They sell chickens. In fact, my first ever hens will be arriving this weekend!:)
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