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  1. Golden Valley Farm

    The difference in curly and smooth breasted Sebastopols Gosh I guess we should all be sterile since it has been around for Milenia
  2. Golden Valley Farm

    The difference in curly and smooth breasted Sebastopols

    I guess we already know what the fallout is as far as soybeans. They have always been a part of not just the poultry foods but other livestock as well as dog and cat foods. There are a lot of people with years of experience who have been breeding all kinds of things with no problem. If soybeans...
  3. Golden Valley Farm

    The difference in curly and smooth breasted Sebastopols I sure have not found any feed that is 100% soy so they are not getting high levels of soy and you might want to read the other food that have estrogen including grains. HMMM
  4. Golden Valley Farm


    Here we go again.
  5. Golden Valley Farm


    Quote: You think it is true and no where did I state that ALL people concerned about GMO worship everything on the internet and Wikapedia those were your words. I simply stated that so many people think the internet and wikapedia are gospel. I am sorry your don't want to ask a drug rep. We...
  6. Golden Valley Farm


    The sad part about this thread is that most of the posters so against this are not even farmers and really don't know anything about farming other than the negative articles they pick an choose to read. So many people think the internet and Wikapedia are Gospel. As a farmer and producer, we...
  7. Golden Valley Farm

    what breed is this?

    It looks like an American Buff.
  8. Golden Valley Farm

    Sebastopols. A cash crop?

    Quote: Hey I forgot to ask about the cute little guy eating popcorn waiting for the show to roll. How did you do that? He is not from Back yard chicken. Thanks Jenifer for a beautiful show , your bird blew me away.
  9. Golden Valley Farm

    Sebastopols. A cash crop?

    jojo@rolling acres farm : Eye Candy!!!! Absolutely Beautiful geese Jenifer. You should be very proud. Do you ever show your geese? If not you should.
  10. Golden Valley Farm

    My Sebbi Gosling is not growing(pictures added)Update:She is gone

    I literally have had some colored goslings hatch out that were already bigger than some 4 or 5 day olds.
  11. Golden Valley Farm

    My Sebbi Gosling is not growing(pictures added)Update:She is gone

    I have a few colored and white sebastopols and the colored birds sometimes outgrow the white ones for a while and sometimes they catch up or the colored ones are just bigger. As long as she is getting to eat and not getting pushed around by the other seb she should be ok.
  12. Golden Valley Farm

    GOSLING - abnormal wing FEATHER development

    If they are not flipped out and just hanging down, they are ok, just heavy from all the blood supply to the base of the feathers. Just watch them so they don't flip out and if they do either use duct tape or vet wrap and put the wing back into place and tape only the wing ,not around the body.
  13. Golden Valley Farm

    Sebastopols. A cash crop?

    All though there has been some good and valid points the whole point of the post was to ask why Sebastopols seem to be represented with the goose mill mentality way more than other breeds you look at. Its not about the sanctiity of life or the smooth breasted birds as I have some but about...
  14. Golden Valley Farm

    Sebastopols. A cash crop?

    Holderreads price according to the quality of the birds. But some of the websites I have seen are wanting you to buy a smooth bird for an outlandish price and some websites are selling goslings at a premium price trying to use breeders names as a selling point. Not all goslings or adults are...
  15. Golden Valley Farm

    Sebastopols. A cash crop?

    What is going on with the Sebastopols? I have a few and went to the internet to learn more. They look to be everbody's cash cow. Like puppy mills but with geese. Buy my eggs, buy my gosling, buy my crop of youngsters in the fall. Step right up and get your Sebastopols here. Big splashy websites...
  16. Golden Valley Farm

    Need help with agressive Embden

    blissdragon, so well said.
  17. Golden Valley Farm

    Help, Gosling with eye opening not over eyeball. Pics!

    HI eye is just probably swollen. Just give him a while. He looks ok to me.
  18. Golden Valley Farm

    Is angel wing genetic?

    It does not mean that you cannot breed her. I have some that had heavy wings and the wing flipped out and they are perfect now even as 4 year olds. Some breeds are more prone to this.
  19. Golden Valley Farm

    Is angel wing genetic?

    Just tape it up with vet wrap or duck tape. The wings shafts get so filled with blood that they become to heavy. When wrapping just place it back into the normal position and tape the wing only. Keep wrapped for 7 to 10 days and not to tight. Good luck.
  20. Golden Valley Farm

    When can goslings go outside?

    Ii would wait until they have some feathers coming in before they go outside with no heat. I would keep all the goslings in a covered pen for quite sometime as owls think they are delicious and you will loose them.
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