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  1. primojosephar

    Should I let my peacocks roam free?

    How far will they wander? I've had a pair for over a week now. No neighbour has claimed them they showed up one day in my chicken run. They eat in the coop and get along well with the chickens. Seem to be a young pair. Unsure of people. Will get within 10 feet for food but otherwise keep their...
  2. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    She had several lesions in her mouth. One on the tongue and one in her throat. The one on her tongue came off on its own and I haven't seen the one in her throat while feeding so I think it is gone too. Some of the pox on her face have come off on their own too. So she is starting to look...
  3. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    So she is nibbling on food and drinking occasionally but not enough. I'm still tube feeding her twice a day and tomorrow is the last day of antibiotics (tylan) she doesn't have any nasal discharge or watery eyes. She is not coughing or sneezing but sounds weezy from time to time. It has been a...
  4. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    I got her some kale and mealworms and she is just eating away! Still won't touch water or crumbles. And she won't eat out of the bowl. Only eats off the ground. But its a step in the right direction
  5. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    Success!! Fluff has been pecking at stuff all day but not eating or drinking still. She won't even touch the chick crumbles which she loves but I just gave her some celery and she went nuts!! So I pit it through a processor and she is scarfing it down. I figure the high water content should keep...
  6. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    It was 7 hours since the last feed. How fast should she be clearing?
  7. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    Managed to get 25ml of fluid into her with my brother holding her before some came back up. He even noticed that she is fighting this more. Her crop seemed much smaller than earlier but things are still moving really slow. Should I restrict everything for 24hrs and start over?
  8. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    I have her in a large metal dog crate. Like I did when she was recovering from the attack. She pooped in it then but she has pooped both times when out so maybe she feels differently this time. She's also molting so she looks a hot mess! Lol
  9. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    It is and its the size of my hand. It has a slight green tint to it and she looks so much better. Her eyes are clear and she doesn't have mucus in her mouth anymore. But she still isn't interested in eating or drinking and she will not let me get a tube in her. She was shaking her head and...
  10. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    This is the poop she just had. I haven't been able to give her anything today. She can be so stubborn!!! I can't get a tube in her.
  11. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    I just tried feeding some fluids and only got 20ml in before it came back up. Her crop is soft and squishy. I should have done fluids before feedings to start. I've read that now in other posts. She's gotten 4 60ml syringes of feeding since Tuesday afternoon. And had one huge poop yesterday...
  12. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    This site has been a lifesaver for my chickens. This same hen was attacked by a fox earlier this summer and lost all her skin from the wings back ( not an exaggeration... she was all white meat.. It left her tail and cloacae). Triple antibiotic ointment and some chick crumbles and she was good...
  13. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    I tried with a q-tip but most wouldn't budge. She seems to be breathing better now and is not foaming at the mouth. She's tolerating tube feeds and pooped for the first time in 4 days. But her crop is not fully emptying so I've only been feeding 60ml of kaytee baby bird and pedialite every 8 hours.
  14. primojosephar

    Wet Avian Pox?

    I am having a problem with both wet and dry pox right now. My rooster was the first to have pox. I saw the hens picking on him and thought it was scabs from being pecked. I blue koted him and left it at that. 2 weeks ago I noticed a huge drop in egg production but attributed it to cold weather...
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