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  1. Bryanshantel

    What do we need to raise dairy goats?

    Hello while not vegetarians we do have the same beliefs that animals no matter their use should always have the best home possible. With that being said I have researched cob house because I am also starting out to be self sufficient. I am getting my goats this weekend. Cob houses are CRAZY...
  2. Bryanshantel

    Growing duckweed

    Thanks for the website. I have actually been to this website several times before to see if I am missing anything. He doesn't say anything about air and the pictures don't show any air supply hose. I did start putting chicken poo in my duckweed because of this site. I am still stumped...
  3. Bryanshantel

    Growing duckweed

    I've tried this and I can't get it to grow. Does it need an air supply? I have fed it chicken poo started it with my aquaponics water which it survives on but does not multiply. I have brought it in the house, for the winter. It is in a sun on the south east side so it get good light not to...
  4. Bryanshantel


    I've tried this and I can't get it to grow. Does it need an air supply? I have fed it chicken poo started it with my aquaponics water which it survives on but does not multiply. I have brought it in the house, for the winter. It is in a sun on the south east side so it get good light not to...
  5. Bryanshantel

    My First Quail

    incubating is easy just relax. Keep the temp steady and the humidity up; you can't have to much humidity. The chicks have an easier time hatch if it is around 80% I just put a small bowl of water with high sides or a small cup of water to get the humidity up. If the chicks look like they are...
  6. Bryanshantel

    Lets talk about goats!

    I'm hoping to get my first kiddlings in about a month or so. I keep hearing people taking them in the house for a while and I kind of want to do this also as they will be small and I do have predators around that I am not sure if they can get to. Any suggestions? Someone mentioned that they...
  7. Bryanshantel

    Lets talk about goats!

    nope Saanens are all white if a pure bred they look kind of like Alpines but I could be wrong still new to this.
  8. Bryanshantel

    Lets talk about goats!

    I always heard clover was good for goats like it is for chickens did I get some bad information somewhere?
  9. Bryanshantel

    Lets talk about goats!

  10. Bryanshantel

    Lets talk about goats!

  11. Bryanshantel

    Lets talk about goats!

    You can look up National____Breeders Association once you find a breed you are interested in, just fill in the blank. I also want to get started and after MUCH research have decided Saanens are the way to go for my family of eight. We go through alot of milk I think my 12 year old son could...
  12. Bryanshantel

    Lets talk about goats!

    LOL it works that way at my house too.
  13. Bryanshantel

    Lets talk about goats!

    I have been reading up on goats and visted two goat farms and no one had ever told me about baking soda. What is it for? Did I miss something important?
  14. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    I know you wanted people with years of experience and I haven't found anyone yet that does it exclusivly. I have been trying for almost a year and this is what I found out with my chickens alone. I live in north florida and that might make some difference compared to your circumstances...
  15. Bryanshantel

    Growing fodder for chickens

    That should be good I was giving my four chickens much less than that and they were not eating it all and they hardly touched their laying pellets. Also I put crushed egg shells in the seed while it is growing and the chickens ate it up my eggs are nice and hard. I think if I give them more...
  16. Bryanshantel

    My First Quail

    I am raising Coturnix Quail I don't know what kind of antibiotic it was the only one they sell at my feed store and my mother has the package we share the cost. It is bright yellow though and it is for a large batch so we make it light yellow since the mix rate was a little complicated to go...
  17. Bryanshantel

    My First Quail

    I also just started with quail. I have been raising them for about a year now and most of mine died at first. This is what I learned from them. Keep antibiotics handy, if they start dieing and you have the temp right and humidity right then they need a small dose. In fact, I don't know if it...
  18. Bryanshantel

    The Duck-ponics Experiment - Raising minnows

    I do aquaponics and that theory is great for lettuce, but for other veggies you need a grow media like pea gravel clay balls and a bell siphon just look up aquaponic system set up on you tube you'll find more than enough information
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