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  1. mommyof5

    where does everyone get there egg cartons

    I order mine from also. Check with them over the next 3-6 weeks as they usually have free shipping sometime in July. They don't have purple but they do have a really cute pink carton made out of recycled material. The run about .50 apiece so if that is out of your budget put...
  2. mommyof5

    Feeling his oats or freezer camp?

    We have four turkeys, 1 broad breasted bronze tom(14 months) that we have turned into a pet, one heritage bronze tom(11 months) and two heritage hens also 11 months. We added the last three to give our sole surviver of the great turkey die off, some friends to hang with, but we have noticed...
  3. mommyof5

    Can I take chicks into my daughters class?

    Oh you will be the mommy with the most popular little girl, the smile on her face when all of the other kids see her new friends. Not only will it be a wonderful experience for her, but just think of all the info you can both pass on to her classmates. How amazing it would be if all children...
  4. mommyof5

    Weak Shells and Decreased Production

    Homeschoolmama we are out on highway 64 up towards the canyon. Good news with a change of feed[off purina and back to az. mills) and a little accident with the dog/cat food I have had 28 and 32 eggs the last two days. the girls are back up and running. So I guess the coke is all mine!!!
  5. mommyof5

    Weak Shells and Decreased Production

    So glad to know this is going around, I was starting to think my spoiled girls where holding out on me. Out of 38 hens egg numbers have been as low as 16 eggs a day. My feed store chicken eggspert suggested I put them back on chick feed just to up their protein in case of molt and also...
  6. mommyof5

    what and how many breeds do you at this time

    I have 5 white crested polish 5 lt. brahma cochin 9 easter eggers 7 rir 4 cinnamon queens 1 slw 7 bo and thats the hens. 1 cinnamon queen roo 3 lt. brahma cochin roos (that need new homes) 4 guinea hens 4 heritage bronze turkeys in the bator 6 turkey eggs and 36 "calico mutts" and 6 guinea...
  7. mommyof5

    Who all here gives away their eggs?

    I get about three dozen a day, those that can pay 2.50 that goes toward feed, and those that can't, pay in other ways. One great woman who is unable to pay trades me for photography lessons, so its a great win/win for both of us. Also just paid a 25.00 co-pay at the Drs. with eggs. gotta love...
  8. mommyof5

    what unusual food did you feed your flock today?

    Ours had the soggy cereal left from the kids breakfast, Strawberry Mini Wheats, Strawberry All Bran, Cocoa Puffs, Cinnamon Toast Crunch and my Captain Crunch. Then they washed it all down with fresh snow, they are so lazy they wont even walk to the waterer anymore.
  9. mommyof5

    mail order chicks vs feed store chicks

    Here is my crazy opinion, FEED STORE PROS; 1, You get to pick your chicks(lets be honest even as chicks some are cuter than others) 2, You can get as many or as few as you want. 3, A good feed store will take the time to order the best...
  10. mommyof5

    My dads dog got into the neighbors chicken,

    Okay problem solved they(both dog owners) where able to find a flock of 26 birds to replace the original flock, and because of the price difference have also provided a couple hundred pounds of layer feed. I believe that all parties involved where happy as they all went out to dinner last night...
  11. mommyof5

    My dads dog got into the neighbors chicken,

    The puppy was re homed out to a friend with a larger fenced yard and also knows of his behavior problem. The price estimate was based on the started pullet price from Meyer Hatchery, the only price list I had on hand this morning. They are selling 16-20 week old pullets for $6.90 a piece so if...
  12. mommyof5

    My dads dog got into the neighbors chicken,

    sad but true yesterday my dad arrived home to a loose dog(has now been re homed) missing his collar. The neighbor soon called asking if he had a dog that matched the collar and was told that shorty and another dog had killed twenty chickens. I received the phone call this morning with the...
  13. mommyof5

    Maybe a very stupid egg question?

    Thanks everyone I was starting to get a little paranoid about my sweet girls. With it looking like a slowdown next winter it looks like a good excuse to add more chickens this spring. PacsMan actually came from Utah and while I will always miss the great snow and real mountains you can keep...
  14. mommyof5

    Maybe a very stupid egg question?

    So I am quickly approaching my first year anniversary as the local crazy chicken lady and am in a bit of hot water with all the local "chicken experts". It simply boils down to this my girls are still laying!!! We have 39 hens and are getting anywhere from 22 to 35 eggs a day. The spoiled...
  15. mommyof5

    raising chicks while pregnant

    How funny, I just asked my OB/GYN the same question. After she stopped laughing and commented that she had never been asked that question before she did a little research and got back to me. 1. If you can't find any one else to scrape the poop boards or clean the coop, use a mask(easily found...
  16. mommyof5

    You know you are "Country" when...

    When you are asked where you live and you just say out on highway #such and such.
  17. mommyof5

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    15 today, including one found in the dog house. I guess the girls know who is keeping them safe!
  18. mommyof5

    Will they eat more in winter

    Here in Nor AZ the winters get a little cold 35-45 days deep freezing nights and howling cold winds(today's are already hitting 50 mile gusts). I do not plan on adding heat, but the coop is snug and draft free(I went super bonkers with the caulk gun)with great ventilation that can be adjusted...
  19. mommyof5

    You know you are "Country" when...

    Good luck on the baby front.
  20. mommyof5

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Just 12 so far, I think the heavy smoke is starting to affect them.
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