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  1. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "My girl DD here got a blue ribbon at the fair today! Not sure what I was doing there, but she let me tag along and see the animals and I got to have corn on a stick, and I snuck some of a caramel apple when she wasn't looking" :)
  2. SesameChicken10

    people with house chickens

    Because there are people who care~ The fact that this little fella had a team of people to rescue him is amazing. Someone cared enough to report him in trouble, an officer cared enough to take him to an emergency vet who gave him a second chance. Now a shelter staff is taking care of him until...
  3. SesameChicken10

    Comment by 'SesameChicken10' in article 'Lilacfeathers Page'

    I love your "want list" and your husband did an amazing job creating your coop. Very lucky chickens :)
  4. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "Let's see, take a right at the hen house and a left at the pig pen? No, Left at the dog house and right at the goat pen. I will never find the secret duck pond at this rate (sigh)"
  5. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    (not mine) Found this handsome roo on Google. What does he think about daylight savings?
  6. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "C'mon hunny, I know that retainers are expensive. He said it was an accident. He had to spit it out while he ate corn. I'll call the orthodontist in the morning. Can we stop looking now?"
  7. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    Ron: [about rewiring the house] Yeah? Are you gonna make it all 220? Jack: Yeah. 220... 221, whatever it takes.
  8. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    I wonder if she ever caught up to her buddies :)
  9. SesameChicken10

    ENDED - WINNER ANNOUNCED - Official BYC Caption Contest 03/07/2016 - Pic by CherriesBrood

    "I'm so excited for my spa day!" "Bubbles and a foot soak" "OK mom, you'd better rinse me now"
  10. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    What was Sesame thinking when she photo bombed Sid's picture?
  11. SesameChicken10

    Comment by 'SesameChicken10' in article 'The Super Serama Bunch'

    You have perfectly outlined my future!, I will show your story to my husband so he will have a clear idea of my plans after Ms. Sesame Chicken is no longer queen of our home. Throw in a couple of Emus, tweak the available breeds of chicks in our area and I will follow your style of adding...
  12. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "I have asked and asked you NOT to take pictures of my fanny. It's not my best side"
  13. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    Typical game of Freeze Tag with Sesame. It hurts when she is "it".
  14. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "Seriously, did you just say....?"
  15. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "No Mabel, it's still Saturday, just like it was 20 seconds ago, and 20 seconds before that. Quit blinking and take a nap."
  16. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "I take manning my post very serious. I also get to use the scope to check out the chicks."
  17. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "Wait a minute! This is the girls' locker room! You're not supposed to be in here Creeper!"
  18. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "So you fake a tummy ache and now you have all of the attention." (whimper)
  19. SesameChicken10

    What is this chicken thinking?

    "Oh my allergies!!! Somebody get me meds or at least a tissue!"
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