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  1. buffy O's

    how do you know when to worm.......?

    thanks everybody......sounds good to me.......I think maybe the twice a yr. worming sounds like a good idea. KatyTheChickenLady.........good suggestion, I think that's a good idea about the heading........thank you! If I can figure how:
  2. buffy O's

    how do you know when to worm.......?

    So how do you know if your chickens have worms? We have never treated for anything but just dusted in their coops and nest boxes as a preventative for mites. That was in the summer. Should we be doing something else? I read these posts and it kinda worries me, it seems so complicated. So far...
  3. buffy O's

    Is this rooster tracks? or hen pecking? PHOTO

    hi, buffy here......I also have a hen that looked alot like that.....I made a hen saddle and she has been wearing that for about a month now. The roos still go to her [altho they were terrified of her to start with! serves them right;):Anyways now we have noticed like 4-5 other hens beginning...
  4. buffy O's

    To molt or not to molt?........that is the ?

    thank you, Beekissed. We think she is a beauty. That's just us tho.
  5. buffy O's

    To molt or not to molt?........that is the ?

    thanks catdaddyfro.......I appreciate the info. She has not been a recessive hen or hasn't been sick or even signs of fighting. Actually I would have said she was the top hen to start with, she was the first layer and is just a good girl, pretty friendly, seemed to be the leader I guess you...
  6. buffy O's

    To molt or not to molt?........that is the ?

    so you all think she is going into molt? Wellll.... I hope this is about as bad as it gets;). Yeah right! Really tho I'm just dreading them being without feathers:/, she is so sweet and I think she is still a beauty. That's just my opinion:D. Oh, is it normal for the hens not to let the roos do...
  7. buffy O's

    To molt or not to molt?........that is the ?

    Hope this is in the right spot. We have a sexlink hen that is about 6 months, maybe 7, anyways she has been laying for approx. 3 months. Well, then about 3 wks. ago she just stopped, nothing at all, she acts fine, she looks fine. She will not let the roos around her, she always runs off. I mean...
  8. buffy O's

    Suddenly Silent Hens

    Really, that is reassuring to know. I just wasn't expecting them to so young. She doesn't seem to be loosing feathers. Just how does this process go, I keep seeing naked chickens running around in my mind.I know that's probably not how it will be, at least I hope not! Any info on molting anyone...
  9. buffy O's

    our dog got killed this fault

    thank you all, I think my boys did better with the news than I did. They cried, but they tried not to let it show too much. Thanks again everybody. Buffy
  10. buffy O's

    our dog got killed this fault

    Our cur dog, which has been the best and most promising tree dog we have ever had got hit by a vehicle this morning. My boys are going to cry when they come home and Suzy's not here. I feel so bad, I have cried and cried. I let her out when I went to check for eggs and she went to the road and...
  11. buffy O's

    Suddenly Silent Hens

    That is exactly the way one of my sexlink is doing and I haven't saw the roo go to her either and she was one of the favorites. She is about 30 wks, so about 7 months. I didn't think they molted until they were over a yr. old. This is our first time with chickens so I am probably wrong on that...
  12. buffy O's

    you have got to see this.....

    looked kinda mean to me:(. What was the deal with pouring more water anyways? buff
  13. buffy O's

    hen eating roosters feathers?

    We have a hen, possibly 2 that are breaking off our roosters tail feathers and eating them. One morning we noticed that the roo's tail feathers were a lot shorter and then we noticed one of the hens nipping them off with her beak and eating them. The roo is really good with the girls and he just...
  14. buffy O's


    Howdy all, I'm in the great Big South Fork area of Tenn. Fentress Co. to be exact. Love my chickens! Buffy
  15. buffy O's

    Close ups!!! Post your best close up pics of your chicken

    emvickery, Sqawker is supposed to be a Black Sex Link, which is a cross between a Barred Rock and a Rhode Island Red. That's what we were told, however we are new to chickens this year so if anyone disagrees feel free to correct me. She is also a sweet girl and will let us pick her up without...
  16. buffy O's

    Close ups!!! Post your best close up pics of your chicken

    My boys tease me about being Ms. Photographer, but I love to take pictures! This is my sweet girl, Sqawker, BSL This is shy little Buttercup, BO and last but not least long legged Leroy, RIR mg]img]
  17. buffy O's

    How often do you all dust your chickens for mites/lice?

    could you tell me if dusting sevin or the poultry dust effects the eggs? are they safe to eat? thanks
  18. buffy O's

    Egg laid in water

    Quote: It's the other way around... That's what I was thinking......
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