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  1. LucyLucky


    I don't have any drakes but come to think of it she hasn't laid an egg for about a week. Tomorrow I will get warm water for her to swim in.
  2. LucyLucky


    Tomorrow I'm going to take her swimming and let her lay in the grass but if anyone can help me I'd be forever in your debt
  3. LucyLucky


    Hi, My 1 year old pekin named lucky had hurt her foot (or what I thought) about a week and a half ago. There are no spots on either feet so it's not bumble foot (which she has a mild case of last month which had been treated. She has a very hard time walking. I don't even know if you can...
  4. LucyLucky

    My duck hurt her leg

    I looked at her feet again this afternoon and noticed a big black spot. So I'm assuming it bumblefoot.
  5. LucyLucky

    My duck hurt her leg

    My 1 year old pekin duck hurt her leg yesterday. I don't know how she did it but I took her swimming Saturday and she was walking/waddling fine. She isn't a small duck but she can't walk on her one leg. I didn't see anything on the bottom of her foot. She is always hurting one of her legs (she's...
  6. LucyLucky

    The Duck Thread

    I have 2 pekin ducks that are going to turn 1 year old on Monday! They are my little angels and I'm so thankful that I got to give them a loving home they deserve. Lucky and Lucy this winter in their house waiting for their Cheerios! Lucky and Lucy playing in the swamp behind my house at...
  7. LucyLucky

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I had 3 beautiful pekin ducks that I bought from an overrun zoo when they were 3 months old. I lost one at the beginning of winter to a fox sadly. But on Monday my 2 beautiful little ladies are turning 1 year old! They grow up so fast and we have made so many good memories together. Although I...
  8. LucyLucky

    Treats for ducks?

    I usually catch minnows at my grandmothers house but feeder fish at the pet store are just as good! They love any fish they can swallow and any frogs they can catch
  9. LucyLucky

    Treats for ducks?

    My ducks love mashed up honeydew and love Cheerios(if I don't buy them the name brand Cheerios they won't eat it... I've tried) they also like frogs and little fish (if you can find them). My ducks also love lettuce (pulled it bite size pieces. I also heard that ducks like to eat cat food, so...
  10. LucyLucky

    Homemade pond help

    Hello, I want to make my 2 (soon to be 4) ducks a pond. I'm a poor 18 year old so I can't just buy a pond making kit thing. So I was wondering if anyone could tell or suggest how to make a homemade pond that I could use a pump to clean out and stuff. Any help and suggestions is greatly...
  11. LucyLucky

    My duck is hurt and I don't know what it is

    So lucky only has a couple little black/ pink spots on her right foot. I was reading that bumble foot is associated with certain diets. I feed my ducks a small portion of Cheerios each day. Could this be why? Also how do I treat her foot? So I just soak it in Epsom salt and warm water and then...
  12. LucyLucky

    My duck is hurt and I don't know what it is

    But with bumble foot iSnt there black scabs that form on the bottom of the foot?
  13. LucyLucky

    My duck is hurt and I don't know what it is

    Hi my 11 month old pekin female duck lucky has hurt her foot. I clean the pen everyday and change their water so it's always clean. There are no sharp objects but she's not putting any weight on her right foot. Does anyone know what's wrong and how I can help her? Also I looked in the bottom of...
  14. LucyLucky

    Post your Duck names!

    I had 3 pekin ducks but now have 2 (one got attacked by a fox) Lucy from the show I Love Lucy because I thought hey I'm gonna love Lucy.. Lucky because it pairs nicely with Lucy Luna (my beloved friend who passed away a week before seeing snow for the first time) from Luna Lovegood off of...
  15. LucyLucky

    Adopting an adult duck

    She's adorable! I got my first 3 pekin ducks when they were 3 months old and they never had any attention paid to them at their previous owners but since I got them (I lost 1 to a fox) they are so friendly! I still can't just pick them whenever I want but multiple visits to them a day and their...
  16. LucyLucky

    Music for my pekins

    I have 2 female pekins named Lucy and Lucky and I let them listen to the radio (which plays country) during the day. I wanted to know if I left the radio on at night would it keep them awake? They love listening to the radio during the day as they have something to listen to other than the...
  17. LucyLucky

    Rescued a Pekin. Advice Needed.

    Ruby might be a little lonely for the time being until you can get a companion for her. She should be quite happy if you spend time with her because then she won't be so alone and isolated. If you want to give her any snacks my pekins love lettuce and plain Cheerios! Ruby might enjoy sharing a...
  18. LucyLucky

    i thinking about getting some ducks

    I think pekins are a great option. I have 2 10 month old pekin females and they are so sweet! They follow you around like little puppies and they stay in their house in the garage with their heater (since it's like -20 here). They are the cutest ducks ever! I love them and I've had my girls...
  19. LucyLucky

    Rouens and Pekins?

    hi, I need some advice or knowledge about how pekins and rouens are together. I have 2, 10month old female pekins now (they are so sweet and calm) and im planning on getting to more ducks this spring. I am wondering if getting 1 pekin and 1 Rouen duckling is a good idea? I don't know if ther...
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