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  1. Chickeles

    fleas in my chicken coop run...

    Azygous, thank you so much for that helpful information. I can not wait to get on amazon and purchase the dust and the Elector PSP. Pricey or not...I dread going out to the run lately so something must end. I appreciate you and so do my girls, Lucy and Bettywhite. vivian Cincinnati Ohio
  2. Chickeles

    fleas in my chicken coop run...

    I could use some help. I believe there are fleas in the chicken run. I am being eat alive especially around the ankles, so I am assuming it is fleas. Anyone have any ideas of how to get rid of them without harming my girls? Anything organic available and should I remove the girls for a couple of...
  3. Chickeles

    new to this...

    thank you so much for your reply. I was beginning to panic and could not find any help with my crisis on line. LOL...I finally did get my pics up but not in the order I wanted, but hey...whatever. thanks again anyway.
  4. My Original Chicken Run with Coop inside

    My Original Chicken Run with Coop inside

    It took one year to put together the coop, two months to finalize this run, and one year to get the nerve to actually bring home chickens. One year ago, I purchased the coop from Craig’s List and it turned out to be quite a good buy. The run itself was assembled along with my garden to keep out...
  5. Chickeles

    new to this...

    hello, I live in Cincinnati Ohio and have just become a chicken mom back in April. I have written my story but having difficulty adding my pictures. Could use some assistance if anyone reads this. thanks so much.
  6. Chickeles

    Looking for some good strong coops that will hold up in winter.

    There seems to be many coops available but it appears that the wood is extremely thin. I really do not want to pay thousands of dollars for a coop but one would think SOMEONE would make a good upstanding coop. Any ideas? besides building my own, which I am thinking seriously of doing.
  7. Chickeles

    Bettywhite is a bully.

    I have two chickens. Lucy and Bettywhite. Bettywhite seems to be bullying Lucy when I scatter the feed. The only thing I can think of is to immediately put Bettywhite into the area under the coop and close the door for about 15 minutes. I wonder if she will get the idea. Got any ideas?
  8. Chickeles

    Snakes in hen house

    Martih, I agree that you should relocate the snake. And I understand your running out to check. I had to get a camera so I could see anything moving around the coop and I plan on also installing a baby monitor. LOL..but if it works for babies it will help my girls. They will let me know if...
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