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  1. coach723

    What causes B vitamin Deficiency?

    Rather than just B12, I would give a complete B complex or Super B complex tablet or capsule. Thiamine and riboflavin are both not uncommon deficiencies that can cause neuro-muscular symptoms. A sudden onset of not being able to walk could also be disease based, Marek's disease being one. It...
  2. coach723

    Chicken with bumble- should I give clavamox?

    When you soak, and reapply the sugardine and bandage, you may need to continue to clean out pus each time, until it stops generating any. I treated a foot very similar to yours a couple of months ago. I used sugardine. It stopped generating pus in about a week, it took about 4 weeks to...
  3. coach723

    Suspected Mareks

    Some Marek's eyes turn gray. Some birds eye don't, but the pupil shrinks to pinpoint over time and is irregular shaped. Examples below. Another image at this link:
  4. coach723

    Help please! My hen has a respiratory disease.

    I don't know. Since it's just treating symptoms, and not curing. I suppose over time it might become less effective, I just don't know.
  5. coach723

    Help please! My hen has a respiratory disease.

    I would follow the instructions and dose according to those. For chickens it's usually 3 - 5 days treatment, I wouldn't go longer than that. Instead I would retreat when symptoms return. If it's MG then it is chronic and will recur, particularly during times of stress. The medications help...
  6. coach723

    Black Vultures

    Here is an article from last year, it's becoming a problem in the midwest, their populations are increasing and their territories are getting bigger. I've not heard any local stories here, in N. Florida, about...
  7. coach723

    Is this mereks poop?

    It will not affect the antibiotic. Probiotics will help replace the good bacteria in the gut, the antibiotics kill the good bacteria as well as the bad. If I have to take an antibiotic myself, I take a probiotic between doses as well. It can help prevent, or reduce any digestive upset from...
  8. coach723

    Is this mereks poop?

    I would finish the tylosin and then switch, if needed. Since they seem to be improving, it may be working. I don't like to combine meds unless it's really necessary. And if you are giving multiples it's hard to know which one might actually be working. I can't find anything that says there...
  9. coach723

    Marek's disease and broody hen.

    The vaccine has to be given at 24 hours old, it can't be given to adult birds or to birds that have already been exposed to the virus. If you vaccinate the chicks, they couldn't be given back to the hen for 2 weeks, to prevent exposure before the vaccine had a chance to take, and at that point...
  10. coach723

    need advice - neighborhood rooster found with head injury/exposed skull

    It's possible that there could be head injury, neck injury, or his blindness makes him hold his head oddly. I had a hen scalped, you could see her skull, she survived and lived a normal life, image below after about 5 - 6 weeks. Make sure to keep the wound clean, some of that black tissue may...
  11. coach723

    Rooster's are dying, dropping like flies! Calcium??

    Have you looked in his beak or throat? Those black spots may be fowl pox, which is spread by mosquito's usually. The dry form has just the spots/scabs and usually passes in a few weeks with no real issues. The wet form can cause lesions in the mouth and throat and is more serious. The...
  12. coach723

    Marek's disease and broody hen.

    If you lose another I would recommend that you have a professional necropsy done, so you can verify or rule out Marek's disease. IF it's Marek's then the virus is on your property. It's spread mostly by feather dander and dust, it's everywhere. It can spread on the wind for miles. It can...
  13. coach723

    Is this mereks poop?

    Sneezing would make it more likely respiratory, and since they seem to be improving, I would continue the medications. Amoxicillin is usually well tolerated as well as tylosin, I would finish both. Green can also be from increased bile in the droppings if they aren't eating well. If they...
  14. coach723

    Rooster's are dying, dropping like flies! Calcium??

    I would highly recommend that you have this one necropsied when he passes. Contact your nearest lab now, so you know what to do. Refrigerate, don't freeze, the body. There are many things that could be an issue, the necropsy will tell you for sure. We would just be guessing, it could be...
  15. coach723

    Black Vultures

    There are many articles, some say black vultures do kill livestock sometimes and turkey vultures don't, some say the opposite. Most say black vultures are the ones that go after livestock on occasion, and have been known to kill newborn calves, piglets and goats. This is one on Florida...
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