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  1. Heavy D

    Common External Parasites in Poultry Fact Sheet

    I have done it with no issues to my birds...except that the mites are now gone. Some more links I had saved up : Heavy D
  2. Heavy D

    NASTY!!! I think my 7 layer hens all have some type of bug's or WORMS?

    See my post, some good info there: heavy D
  3. Heavy D

    Common External Parasites in Poultry Fact Sheet there seems to be a TON of this coming onto the BYCF lately....Check out the link above, Great info with pics. Heavy D Another great link with treatment info:
  4. Heavy D

    Happy Easter !!!
  5. Heavy D

    Like a light switch turned on ! Eggs !

    Pretty much gave up on my girls as they have not produced even one egg since the days started getting shorter, I kept looking in the nest box and nothing.....sigh.....until yesterday, three hens three eggs, today, three eggs.... I have no clue what switch turned on but I'm glad and not...
  6. Heavy D

    Help...we have a rooster!!!

    Had the same issue.....very sad as this was my Daughter's hen Snowy...ahem..I mean Joey ! Found someone that needed a Roo by word of mouth....we were so afraid he was going to go to the freezer if we just gave him away to anybody.....just start asking around, you never know. I also bought a...
  7. Heavy D

    egg laying after stress

    How long does it usually take a hen to get back in her groove to lay after being stressed? I brought home a new Araucana (13 months old) and have had her three weeks in isolation. She was laying previously, but not since I've brought her home. In another few weeks I will introduce her (run to...
  8. Heavy D

    Anybody tried this solar waterer?

    I see a problem with put it in the "Winter sun" I'm in NY and we sure do not get any winter sun....or its very rarely...I can't see the girls wanting to go out into the run to get water in the winter....and the darn thing is not going to get any solar power in the coop that's for sure. my 2 cents
  9. Heavy D

    Is DE harmful to my lungs?!

    Quote: EXACTLY !! DE is great for all kinds of pest control ! I sure did not mean to scare anybody just want everyone to be safe! You should not see DE dust storms in your coop ! Its perfect for just sprinkling all around the garden to keep pests at bay! Don't stop using it, just use it...
  10. Heavy D

    The new coop!

    looks awesome ! Great job !
  11. Heavy D

    adding new hen & egg production

    does the stress of re-establishing the pecking order affect egg laying production/quality from either the new hen or existing hens?
  12. Heavy D

    PVC feeder that the feed goes into a "Y" ??????

    I think I remember seeing a PVC feeder the has a "Y" at the feed point. Thus making two access points for the chickens to feed from. Has anybody made one or has seen this thread ??? I have searched "PVC feeder" and went through the three pages of posts and can not find it. I remember it having...
  13. Heavy D

    The coop for people with no money!

    Yup, ....I wanna see some pics!!!! Show me the money!!!
  14. Heavy D

    First time building a coop (and owning chickens for that matter) carpentry skills hey.....I think someone is telling us a tall story from down under! lol You did a GREAT job on your coop! Enjoy your birds & eggs
  15. Heavy D

    Purina or Nutrena?

    I have Nutrena..only because that's all I can get and have nothing to compare it too....... Pips-What difference in egg quality do you see with Purina???????
  16. Heavy D

    Check out my new free addition to the coop & run!

    Man I love Freecycle !!!! What size is the hardware cloth around your new run? It looks a little big from the pics. I'd be one happy camper if I were you!
  17. Heavy D

    Does white DE mean food grade?

    NO, color means nothing to distinguish food grade or not. Color is usually a marker of filtration size like 2 micron, 1 micron, .5 micron sterile etc. I have seen DE from White to Pink and it was all food grade.....most pool DE is white that I have seen. Good thought on seeing the whole bag...
  18. Heavy D

    Cockerel Not Crowing At 12.5 Weeks ???

    My Araucana just started to crow at 26 weeks....don't really know if that's typical or not. It's just how long it took with my bird.
  19. Heavy D

    I'm not sure I am cut out for this.

    Had three hens and one turned out to be a cockerel....about broke my daughters heart to give him away as we could not have a roo in the city mind you these are pets for us and have raised them as such just for eggs as you was hard...very hard...but a member told me here...
  20. Heavy D

    Need plans for combined grit/oyster shell feeder

    I separate because they have it free choice...if they need it, they eat it, with no waste. My girls do not free range and are mostly on layer pellets. If they free ranged more they would get enough grit on their own and I would just feed Oyster Shell free choice. My first eggs have had shells...
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