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  1. klh5000

    Name that bird. Grey with white feathers. Brown egg layer

    I'm having issues also.. can anyone tell me what kinds of chickens these are? They were a gift from a friend.
  2. klh5000

    Incubator Problems :(

    I checked the eggs yesterday and they were alive. For some reason they were suppose to hatch on Tuesday. I ended up opening the egg bc he wasn't moving. He was dead. Fully developed. For some reason my incubator temp.wont stay correct my god 1 day I went and it was 105...I'm surprised anything...
  3. klh5000

    Incubator Problems :(

    I'm in need of some help asap... I've incubated before however this time I haven't had a successfull hatch. I have 4 hens so I collect eggs for a few days and put them in incubator. It turns the eggs for me. I candle around 7 days. Anyway I just opened 4 eggs that didn't hatch and they were...
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