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  1. Johnnyboy922

    i hate racoons

    i hate racoons because there is plenty of garbage in my area for them to eat he did not try to kill the chicken quickly he toyed with it there was eggs in there that i did not collect he could have had i secured the coop more the trap has been unsuccessful. the coon has taken the bait 2 days...
  2. Johnnyboy922

    i hate racoons

    i went to menards and bought a live trap tonight. its set up near the coop. hopefully i catch one tonight and can dispatch of it befor school. then ill have a good day. when i went out this morning darcey was like chilling by the food and water.she kept her left eye shut most of the time...
  3. Johnnyboy922

    i hate racoons

    i hate racoons now. all this time i could have been trapping racoons or trying a little bit harder to smack them when driving my truck but no i figured that would be bad luck for my chickens. guess not my new policy is KILL KILL KILL:mad: so im sitting at my computer tonight and i hear one...
  4. Johnnyboy922

    What would kill a goat this way?

    ok its NOT a bat no bats in the world could kill one or 20 baby goats. fact its not a human. humans dont have sence enough to kill 20 goats the same way even for a prank. it would be slopily done. if you told me to kill 20 goats and only leave a few small puncture wounds on the neck to look...
  5. Johnnyboy922

    Golden sex link- am I a boy, or a girl?*updated* with wing pic

    the pictures didnt work for me so i didnt get a look but the way i always sex my chickens after reading it on this website is to put them on their back in a cupped hand. if they flip over quickly it is a boy but if they stay and lay on thier back then it is a girl. it usually works out to be...
  6. Johnnyboy922

    how long before they stop eatind wood chips??

    once my chicks dried off in the incubator last year i just put them straight onto the pine shavings. one of my friends who has raised hundreds of chickens turkeys geese and ducks in total was instructing me what to do and he didnt even bring up paper towels. ocasionally the chicks would peck...
  7. Johnnyboy922

    Some causes of EARLY CHICK MORTALITY

    do not cover the bedding with newspaper. they can not get traction which causes them to do the splits. their legs will get stuck like that and they will be sprawdle legged. its a biotch to fix
  8. Johnnyboy922

    Hawk attack!!!

    when i started off with my 5 chicks it was a summer day when it was warm enough for them to go outside. they were like 2 weeks old or something. they were just chilling in the grass and i was on my rope swing under a tree. i saw a hawk dive so i jumped off the swing sprinted over the the...
  9. Johnnyboy922


    i dont know if they will eat the eggs or anything but here is a good way to catch them and mice. for chipmunks use a garbage can full size. for mice you can use a waste basket. find a workbench or something that you know they can get onto then put some penut butter or cheese or both on the...
  10. Johnnyboy922

    We've been discovered! (Happy ending though)

    a 22 is worthless especially in a panic get a shotgun. if its just a cat or something go out with a stick or bat along with something you can throw and make alot of loud noise(make sure it sounds agressive). if it is a coon or opossum you are better off shooting it from a distance because they...
  11. Johnnyboy922

    Hawk attack! (question)

    when my chicks were still like 3 weeks and i was close to putting them in the coop i would take them outisde on days warm enough and put them near the sun and shade of a tree to regulate temps. one time i was standing like 15 feet away under a tree out of sight of anything above. a hawk swooped...
  12. Johnnyboy922

    Hawk attack! (question)

    the fishing line thing typically works my grandparents use it over their pool to keep birds from flying over it also any chance you get to scare the hawk do it so it wont come back. a low power pellet gun solved my problem with crows and may apply to hawks it doesnt kill them just scares...
  13. Johnnyboy922

    List Your Top 3 Mistakes............

    1. checking ordinance laws after i got my chickens and now having them stay at my sisters boyfriends farm when my neighbor has city contractors over. 2.realizing i cant set snares because i would end up catching my neighbors cat and it would die :o (human pee works as a predator deturant as...
  14. Johnnyboy922

    Black spots on comb??? *pics added*

    if you think they have pox is it still safe to eat the eggs? kind of a dumb question i guess but is it possible for people to get it? does it go away? i see a few very tiny ones on one of my hens(i only have 3 hens) and of course since ive been reading this stuff im convincing myself they...
  15. Johnnyboy922

    Rooster with "black comb"

    he could have chicken pox lol just kidding he may have fowl pox
  16. Johnnyboy922

    Rooster missing tail feathers-bleeding-need advice!

    since you only have 9 i take it they are more of pets than a source of income i was going to say that if you depend on them for money beak trimming may be needed but if your well being doesnt depend on it then just go with what these others are saying because beak trimming i view as cruel
  17. Johnnyboy922

    What is your chickens favorite foods

    clover, my yard is filled with it. grapes. and corn on the cob. its really fun to watch them eat the corn on the cob they demolish it
  18. Johnnyboy922

    What to do with baby chicks

    i incubated 6 eggs from my friends farm and 5 hatched. i kept them inside for 3 weeks but this was during summer. make sure as they start to get older your brooder is tall enough otherwise they can easily jump out and make a nonsense mess. dont keep them to warm for to long otherwise the...
  19. Johnnyboy922

    how do you free range when hawks are about?

    i have a corrugated roof and it works well its on a slant enough that nothing can sit on it. to keep the hawks from getting your chickens try planting like 5' by 5' patches of shrubs or prarie grass or anything that will give them cover and do this every like 15 or 20 feet in your yard so...
  20. Johnnyboy922

    Missing chick...

    i had a hawk take a swoop at my chicks i had 5 of them they were like 3 weeks old. luckily i was standing 15 feet away and got there in time. if flew down past my knees and i actually was able to punch it. then i did a head count and saw norman, leeroy, cinnamon, and MR darsey but i couldt...
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