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  1. audrawheeler

    BABY chick Falling over

    I have a chick who is moving very slowly, standing hunched, and seems very week and wobbly when she walks. We've had some surprisingly cold weather lately so i just assumed she was cold but today it's very warm and she's still sick. Her crop is very full, she doesn't have runny eyes or nose, no...
  2. audrawheeler

    Black Silkie Roo And Partridge Hen What Would Happen?

    Does anyone know what a partridge roo over a blue or blue cream hen would produce? I breed for fun so i like the random colors. I have a blue hen and a blue cream hen with my partridge roo. I was going to add a white or splash hen in the spring. Any ideas of pics of what these crosses could make.
  3. audrawheeler

    Rooster died suddenly, is my flock in danger?

    We got a cochin frizzle rooster about 2 weeks ago and he has been full of vim and vigor and being very roostery up until this morning. He didn't seem to be in pain or uncomfortable, he came out of the coop in the morning and went back in to roost in the evening. He moved around throughout the...
  4. audrawheeler

    What breed is this hen

    Oh weird. When I attach the picture to the message it doesn't show up but when I go back and edit the post and attach it, it showed up. Lol sorry
  5. audrawheeler

    What breed is this hen

    Hm I attached the photos. I wonder why they aren't showing up. Let me try
  6. audrawheeler

    What breed is this hen

    I have a hen I got out of an "americauna" bin at my local tractor supply a few months back and never could quite figure out what she is. We have other americauna but none of them have a color like hers. Ill attach a lick from when she was younger as well. Anyways, thanks in advance for your input
  7. audrawheeler

    Eagle attacked my 85 lb Rough Collie

    When I lived in Tennessee we frequently had golden eagles fly over our property but at the time we had no chickens so they didn't give us many problems except on one occasion. I was out for a walk on our 7 acres with my 2 dogs and a medium sized cat with me when out of nowhere a big egle came...
  8. audrawheeler

    Mystery chick

    I didn't even think to check on large breed chicks, I'm pretty sure that's what she is. Thanks for the input and help
  9. audrawheeler

    Mystery chick

    I got this chick from my local tractor supply and have no idea what she is. She has feathered legs and I was told she's a bantam cochin but I'm looking for something more specific lol. There were no other chicks like her in the "bantam" bin or other bins. Just curious to see what people think...
  10. audrawheeler

    not sure if chicks are drinking?!

    I bought a couple baby chicks from my feed store day before yesterday evening. I got them all set up with chick starter and water and a lamp etc. They seem to have perked up and are eating but I'm not sure if they're drinking. I spend a decent amount of time with them (I bought them as pets) bit...
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