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  1. Zirallan

    Oh my darling chickies.

    Today they're okay enough in the heat to run from me so they must be okay enough to stay. My daughter's flooding the back yard, including part of their own and the water is kind of chilly despite the heat so the chickies are out for good hopefully. I'll keep checking them, it's supposed to get a...
  2. Zirallan

    Oh my darling chickies.

    I have an old shed out there that I might be able to rig up with some air conditioning. That's gonna take a bit though so for now it's out in the mornings and back inside for the afternoon. I'm gonna check the temps and maybe try putting them out over night. I've got them in an area that's got 3...
  3. Zirallan

    I have chicken fever.

    They're now in my large bathroom with towels down. I'll get puppy pads tomorrow. They had a roughly 4 square foot pen which I think is big enough for 2 chicks? But they were pecking each other. The bathroom is bigger and they can hide behind the trash bin or the toilet or laundry basket and get...
  4. Zirallan

    Oh my darling chickies.

    I put the chicks out about 7.30 this morning and got busy and didn't check them as often as I should have when it started getting hot. Despite ice water and a fan they were panting and a bit floppy. Got them inside with plenty of water and they perked up within an hour. I feel bad but you live...
  5. Zirallan

    I have chicken fever.

    Are these little ones big enough to turn loose on my tile floor without worry of it damaging their legs? With close supervision, of course.
  6. Zirallan

    I have chicken fever.

    He just wants to be held constantly. Peeps loudly for several minutes after you out him back in his pen before going back to his regularly scheduled curious chickie activity.
  7. Zirallan

    I have chicken fever.

    I have 3 older chicks just about to go in the chicken run/coop for good. Hopefully it won't be too hard to introduce the pair to the trio once these little guys have some feathers. These two are such little busybodies compared to what the older three were at the same age. Always scratching at...
  8. Zirallan

    I have chicken fever.

    I was in the feed shop and they had fluffy yellow chicks to ooh and ahh over. The signage said they're white longhorn pellets. I'll believe the sign when I see more mature birds.. looked them up on the net and got people saying they're nasty and people saying they're sweet and everyone agreeing...
  9. Zirallan

    Gender help please.

    You just picked out my friendliest bird. Zoning laws what they are, I now have a problem.
  10. Zirallan

    Gender help please.

    Which do you think is which? I've got 2 with the redder colour in the comb and the one that's paler/still yellow.
  11. Zirallan

    Gender help please.

    They're mutt chickens. Not real sure of the parentage. I think they're 7 to 8 weeks old but I've lost track of the hatch date. That's what I get for not immediately putting it on the calendar. We got them from a friend who breeds her chickens for dark egg colour and good egg production if that...
  12. Zirallan

    Gender help please.

    Let me know if you need better pics. They were lazing in a box my daughter put down for them in case they wanted to hide and it was the easiest time to get a pic of the fast moving buggers. Neither pic is great. One gives a better view of the bird in front and the other the one in back.
  13. Zirallan

    Oh my darling chickies.

    I find it hilarious. Not quite so hilarious, my boy poodle went to pee on the fence of the chicken run this morning and peed on a chicken instead. I do not envy her having to clean those feathers. I'm gonna set up a fan and give them some ice water and keep an eye for signs of too much heat...
  14. Zirallan

    Oh my darling chickies.

    I've been told over and over not to put them out in this heat and I've known people who have lost chickens to triple digit heat. Most of my experience with birds comes from parrots and I unfortunately have experience with putting them out in an aviary when it's still too hot killing them even...
  15. Zirallan

    Oh my darling chickies.

    I suspect I have the opposite problem than most of you. My chicks come from a friend who gave them to my daughter and keeps her flock in a temperature controlled environment. 80 degrees year round. I live in Arizona. The temps are still often in the triple digits. Thus far they've been raised...
  16. Zirallan


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I first got chickens and found this forum a couple years ago. I had to give up my chickens then for a variety of reasons. A few days ago I got a couple hens from a friend who also gave my daughter 3 chicks for her...
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