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  1. rome24kr

    Rhode Island Red rooster and Delaware hen cross

    I crossed a RIR roo and a Delaware hen (bantams) and hatched chicks that look like New Hampshires. Can anyone out there tell me if they have had any experiences w/this type of cross and what the chicks looked like. Also it is possible to have a Black Star bantam, correct? I crossed the same...
  2. rome24kr

    Incubator got too hot... am i doomed???

    I just bought an incubator (on Monday), and set it up Monday night. I put it in my garage (out of the way), and set 3 Partridge Rock bantam eggs. Well my daughter and myself get up Tuesday morning and go to the garage to make sure the temperature is regulated at 99.5, and it was not! It was...
  3. rome24kr

    My 6 wk old Barred Rocks & Delaware bantams

    I posted pics 4 wks ago. Take a look at them now. I have a Barred Rock trying to crow! [/IMG][/IMG][/IMG]
  4. rome24kr

    My new chicks

    I purchased them through Privett Hatchery in Portales, NM. We lost one Delaware on arrival, but all of the other 11 chicks we have are doing awesome! By the way, we live in oklahoma
  5. rome24kr

    My new chicks

    Just wanted to share w/y'all a few pics of our new Delaware and Barred Rock bantams. Received them Friday morning. Enjoy & please comment[/IMG]
  6. rome24kr

    Polish roo or pullet?

    hey briana- i found some bantam silver laced polish for sale (chicks). check it out! i'm seriously considering ordering some this spring.
  7. rome24kr

    Anyone know the breed of these bantams?

    You have 1 Dark Cornish roo and 2 White Laced Red Cornish hens... beautiful birds!
  8. rome24kr

    Gender guesses? Polish & Easter Egger

    Great pic! The Polish are one of my fav birds:) She is such a cutie! "Tucker" our WC Black Polish bantam is now over 6 wks old, and about to go outside come this Thursday once we get our new chicks. I will say that I am searching for a WC Black Polish pullet or hen, hopefully I will find one...
  9. rome24kr

    Polish roo or pullet?

    This is like an election... too close to call! I too have a Polish that's 6 weeks old and I believe "HE" is a roo. Looking at yours and simply trying to make a judgement call, I'd have to say pullet b/c of the somewhat more uniform crest and NOT a long, lanky body type. Is yours a bantam or...
  10. rome24kr

    Fayoumis Crosses

    i thought it had the look of a partridge rock or Wyandotte... glad i didn't post first LOL
  11. rome24kr

    Rooster or hen?

    my projection is a white leghorn roo and a silver spangled hamburg roo. the hamburg will be beautiful in a few months once he matures.
  12. rome24kr

    What breed is she?

  13. rome24kr

    help identifying birds prior to purchase...

    those are some pretty girls, i agree definitely easter eggers. i too have a easter egger, although she is a bantam w/a cool color scheme.
  14. rome24kr

    What Gender?

    cockadoodle roo X 3!
  15. rome24kr

    New Additions

    i'd say the silkie (one on top) is a hen. the friz i have no clue.
  16. rome24kr

    Gender guesses? Polish & Easter Egger

    i only have two in the brooder at this time, the white crested black polish and a buff Japanese which i bought at atwoods (chicks came from ideal poultry out of Cameron, tx). the Japanese appears to be a pullet, BUT the two "square off" and fight one another. who knows?!?!?! but i honestly...
  17. rome24kr


    she's a girl... LOL
  18. rome24kr

    What is my new rooster?

    looks like an easter egger/rhode island red mix to me. as for the pretty hen, i'd say easter egger/silver penciled rock. just a guess though.
  19. rome24kr

    7 month old hen or rooster?

    it's a roo for sure. what a pretty pair u have! i have bantam partridge rocks and mine has that same color scheme.
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