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  1. Our Rhode Island Red and Barnvelders in hand made chicken dresses!

    Our Rhode Island Red and Barnvelders in hand made chicken dresses!

    My daughters and I have literally hand raised our chickens. They are sweet, beautiful birds who adore my girls and any attention they can get. They are our first chickens and we are all so amazed at how wonderful they are!
  2. Pea gravol for easy scoop/clean up

    Pea gravol for easy scoop/clean up

  3. Our coop! Easy and clean maintenance :)

    Our coop! Easy and clean maintenance :)

    This is our coop, pea gravel inside to make it easy to clean. We placed a poop box under the roosting pole on the shelf with a box underneath with pea gravel as well as the floor. No smell, no moisture, no dust, no compost, no wood chips! All it takes is a litter scoop to scoop the poop! We...
  4. caralynn99

    2 week old chicken with inflamed ingrown tail feather? Suggestions?

    Hi everyone, thanks for all the advice and welcomes! Turns out it was her preening gland that was damaged. She is all better now, just kept cleaning it with normal saline and applied plain polysporin to it and she is as good as new! Thanks for the support!
  5. caralynn99

    Ingrown tail feather on 2 wk old help?

    I see! Should I just be cleaning it daily and see how it goes? There is quite a lump that is around it. Would polysporin be safe to put it also?
  6. caralynn99

    Ingrown tail feather on 2 wk old help?

    Hi there! I am fairly new with chickens, second round with babies. One of my 2 week olds has an ingrown tail feather that is red, inflamed and tender. Any suggestions? The dark red spot in the centre looks like the tip of a large sheath coming through, but no feather emerging.
  7. caralynn99

    2 week old chicken with inflamed ingrown tail feather? Suggestions?

    Hi everyone, I am new here and am on my second batch of baby chickens. I have a 2 week old with what looks like an ingrown tail feather. It is red, swollen and tender for her :( any suggestions what I should do????
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