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  1. Emmasoria

    Chicken Breed Focus - Plymouth Rock

    Thanks, I'm looking forward to them starting to lay!
  2. Emmasoria

    Chicken Breed Focus - Plymouth Rock

    This is my 5 week old White Rock. Her feathers are unbelievably soft and fluffy compared with my RIR. She is a little shy still, but pretty calm once I hold her. I'm a beginner and chose the breed (after a lot of research) primarily for cold climate hardiness, friendliness (I have two kids who...
  3. Emmasoria

    Rhode island? Ocean state, anyone else out there?

    Hi! Newbie here. Anyone in Newport? I want to get two hens in a small coop, but with the law stating that it has to be 10 ft from any property line, can i still tractor it around in the daytime as long as i put it back at night? Our yard it pretty small and to follow the law the coop has to be...
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