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  1. Sunwolf5

    Broodie Hen Confusion

    Well I now have 3 chicks. I guess my counting days was off by one day. They hatched yesterday and seem to be doing fine. Mom hen was a bit cranky with me last night but was better this morning. I gave her a treat and she shared with the chicks. Thanks everyone for the information you shared.
  2. Sunwolf5

    Broodie Hen Confusion

    I was more concerned about the poop thing. I have been selling off my chickens and don't want anyone sick. Someone has ask to buy her and the chicks. I was also concerned about her maybe not wanting to stay on the nest because she had been setting before I gave her the eggs. Thank you for the...
  3. Sunwolf5

    Broodie Hen Confusion

    About 5 weeks ago one of my Buff Orpingtons started setting in a nest box all the time. If I moved her she just sat on the floor and moved the litter that was around her and then went back to the next box. After two weeks of this I said ok and moved her with 3 eggs I had collected to an area by...
  4. Sunwolf5

    Can LF Polish and Cockin Bantams be housed together?

    I am cutting back on my flock and want to know if I can put 2-3 LF Polish pullets with my Cochin bantams? There will be 1 rooster, 3 hens and 3 pullets, these are the bantams, with the 2 or 3 Polish pullets.
  5. Sunwolf5

    Mystery chick from hatchery

    Thanks for the information. Do you have this breed? What are they like? I have a small flock and have not had good luck keeping roosters. My Orpington developed an attitude and ended up in the freezer, my Leghorn got hurt in a fight and had to be put down and my Cochen Bantam started attacking...
  6. Sunwolf5

    Mystery chick from hatchery

    Here are the other two pictures. They came from Murray McMurray Hatchery. I think it is a rooster but cant figure the lack of tail feathers.
  7. Sunwolf5

    Mystery chick from hatchery

    I sent three pictures but am not sure if they went through.
  8. Sunwolf5

    Mystery chick from hatchery

    Sorry it took me so long to get back. Had some computer problems. I thought it was a Dominique also but was just wondering if there are other breeds with barring. Here are some pictures. I am also wondering if it is a rooster. He/She has no tail They are around 10 weeks.
  9. Sunwolf5

    Mystery chick from hatchery

    When I ordered my chicks I got a mystery chick along with the Leghorns and the Polish. I think it is a Domonique (?). I am wondering if there is any other breed/breeds that have barring and a rose comb. I think it will be a rooster but it hasn't started crowing yet. They are 9 weeks old.
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