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  1. Toddandsarah

    Broody hatch help

    I purchased 12 BCM eggs for my Brodie hens I have 5 unhatched eggs. Hatch day was Sunday, how long do I continue to let them sit?? 2 eggs went missing 1 hatched and died I accidentally squished one egg due to a weak spot in the egg and a mama the pecked at me( a week before hatch day) 3...
  2. Toddandsarah

    Please help with a polish chick

    Thanks! I hope it's a she!
  3. Toddandsarah

    Please help with a polish chick

    Mine are about 3 weeks old. The "blister" looks to be gone but there is a hard mass about the size of a marble where the blister thing was
  4. Toddandsarah

    Please help with a polish chick

    I saw this blister on my chick today, he/she appears to be acting normal, eating and drinking fine.
  5. Toddandsarah

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Update on dribbles. .... He is doing great, his eye opens just a little and his feathers are growing back. He seems to be very happy, we have not gotten any females yet but he is outside in a cage near our chickens. He does let me pet him now too. I'll get a new pic if him later tonight
  6. Toddandsarah

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    I'll absolutely keep you posted
  7. Toddandsarah

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Thanks. I was given a male, he will be kept Indoors and held daily. I'll look for a hen or two though also. He was beat up by the other quail and issmall for his age, blind in one eye, and missing feathers,the feathers will grow back but the eye may be a gonner . This is Dribbles
  8. Toddandsarah

    Coturnix Quail Basics- Information and Pictures Galore

    Can you keep a single male coturnix as a pet or do they need females?
  9. Toddandsarah

    Anyone want to share pics of their chickens?

    I have 13 hens. 3 Rhode Island reds, 3 buff opretons,4 barred rocks,2 gold wyendots and 1 black sexlink.
  10. Toddandsarah

    button quail foot problem

    Sadly our quail died before I could wrap it's feet. 3 hatched 3 died.:(
  11. Toddandsarah

    button quail foot problem

    Thanks I'll try that but being extra extra gentle because he/she is so tiny and delicate. My biggest fear is hurting it by trying to help.
  12. Toddandsarah

    button quail foot problem

    This little guy had yesterday he's doing great running all over his brooderbox but his feet are all curled in. I read that you could straighten them with shoes but he's so tiny how do I get the shoes on him without damaging him??
  13. Toddandsarah

    baby quail help please!!

    I only have the one hen and one rooster. I'll get my brooder ready and put the chicks in it as soon as they hatch or should I do it now??
  14. Toddandsarah

    baby quail help please!!

    My hen was sitting on 5 eggs this morning. one hatched and looked very active but a couple hours later it was in the grit box dead with it's leg broken in half! There is another egg currently hatching but one of the adults keep pushing it out of the nest into the grit box. I don't want it to die...
  15. Toddandsarah

    button quail chick question..

    My mama quail has been sitting on 5 eggs,this morning I saw one hatched! She is very protective of the chick and eggs and appears to be taking care of the chick so with that in mind do I need to do anything special for the chick? Ground food? new water dish? Heat lamp?
  16. Toddandsarah

    Hello there.

    Hi all. I just joined up and am looking forward to posting about my birds and reading these boards. I have 13 young chickens(hopefully all hens) and 2 button quail (they are currently sitting in 5 eggs!)
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