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  1. lanamilo

    Australorps breed Thread

    I just adopted an approximately 11 wk old australorp pullet yesterday. I have 4 hens that are 1 yr old. 2 RIR, 1 SLW, and 1 EE. Last week I got 2 little EE pullets at the local poultry swap. They were 8 wk old. We had a massive windstorm with 70mph gusts and it damaged my coop. One of the...
  2. lanamilo

    New Mexico

    I am in ABQ and looking for some pullets. I'd love to have some Silkie pullets/young hens, but I think that is impossible to find without getting straight run chicks. Looking for 2-4 new pullets to add to the 4 hens I have. Open to breeds- except RIR ( I already have 2). Willing to travel for...
  3. lanamilo

    cutest chicken names!

    We have two RIR- Ruby and Rosie (really original). Ruby is my little girlfriend. She follows me everywhere. They are about 9 months old now. I got them from the same lady at the poultry swap, so I think they are sisters. However they look just different enough that I can easily tell them...
  4. lanamilo

    New Mexico

    I used to be terrified of birds. Now 2 of my hens sit in my lap on the patio. I've come a long way. I love my birds!
  5. lanamilo

    New Mexico

    I'm in ABQ and have 4 hens now (2 RIR, 1 EE, 1 SLW) and would like some bantams for the spring. Something a little different than I have. Silkies or something similar to that. A little more showy than my big girls. I'm not too picky. My 4 hens are 4 of the sweetest girls. I will be looking...
  6. lanamilo

    Reglan (Metoclopramide) Egg withdrawal time?

    That's my question too. The vet said that there was but can't ever seem to remember to look it up for me. I had to take the chicken to a different vet than I do for the dogs. She didn't really help me or the bird very much.
  7. lanamilo

    Reglan (Metoclopramide) Egg withdrawal time?

    Hi. I had a hen on Reglan for a bit. She's doing fine. But I am having problems finding the egg withdrawal time from it. My vet has not been very helpful. Thanks for your help.
  8. lanamilo

    Pendulous crop

    I have a hen that has a pendulous crop. I have done the vomit thing, taken her to the vet, withheld food and kept her isolated. Nothing has made a bit of difference. She acts totally fine. Laying eggs like a champ. I bought her a crop bra last week. I hope to have it here next week. She's...
  9. lanamilo

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    It finally happened!! My SL Wyandotte laid her first egg today!! She's 23 weeks old. It's tiny but perfect. I found her in the nest box this morning. She's been squatting almost a week. However, I found the egg in the run. Ok now my other 3 need to follow after her. Here's the pic. I have...
  10. lanamilo

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I'm so jealous of these egg layers. Still waiting at 21 and 23 weeks... I have one squatter and that's it. Her comb and one of my RIR are big and red.
  11. lanamilo

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I won't be able to contain myself when any of them lay. I'll be sure to make an announcement
  12. lanamilo

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I saw squatting today for the first time! 22 week SL Wyandotte. Come on girls!
  13. lanamilo

    New Mexico

    Long Leash had only 20lb bags in stock, but Norm said that he could also get 40lb bags.
  14. lanamilo

    New Mexico

    By the way Long Leash on Life at Eubank and Montgomery in ABQ is now selling Scratch and Peck chicken feed in the store now. I have to feed soy free because of my awful allergy.
  15. lanamilo

    New Mexico

    I use frozen water bottles to keep the ladies cool. They lay right next to them.
  16. lanamilo

    The Silver Laced Wyandotte Thread

    This is my first time trying to post a pic. Here is Georgia my 22 week old SLW. No eggs yet!
  17. lanamilo

    What are Your Chickens Named?

    We have an EE pullet named Chupacabra (aka Chupie), a SL Wyandotte named Georgia, 2 RIR named Ruby and Rosie.
  18. lanamilo

    Who else is waiting for that first egg?

    I have a 21 week EE and SL Wyandotte and so far nothing. I have 2 19 week old RIR and nothing from them either. One is just starting go grow a comb and waddles so I think she will be a while. Her sister has a more developed comb and waddles although still pink, not red. Come on ladies! I...
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