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  1. kaikuchta

    Molting chicken appears drunk

    My 1.5 year old barred rock has been acting strangely walking around as if she is drunk. Walking sideways, and can't seem to walk straight at all. She's lost basically all of her feathers in the last couple of days. She is still eating and drinking. Some research said it could be worms, an inner...
  2. kaikuchta

    Chickens escaping

    Hi all, we are in a low predator area and our hens have a large run available to them. It's a 3 foot high chicken wire fence held in place on rebar in the ground as we move it depending on season. Lately a few birds are getting out to get into the backyard. We are trying to keep them off the...
  3. kaikuchta

    Timing for Roosters

    Thanks so much for all the information. I am keeping an eye on him for now. He seems to respond when I get cross with him. Let's see if he can live peaceful for a while longer.
  4. kaikuchta

    Timing for Roosters

    The plan is to raise him for meat. We don't want to keep a rooster long term. Just wondering size wise when he will stop growing. So whether to keep him with them or to separate depending on length of time before we decide to 'take him to the farm'.
  5. kaikuchta

    Timing for Roosters

    Hi all, was wondering at about what age an EE rooster will hit full grown. I have one that isn't the nicest bird and I don't like that he is starting to get more aggressive with the pullets. He is 3 months now. I am debating whether to hold out if he will be full grown in a few more weeks, or...
  6. kaikuchta

    EE Roo or pullet?

    Very good news. Thanks all. I am so new to this and hope not to have to cull too many!
  7. kaikuchta

    EE Roo or pullet?

    any guesses as to whether this is a he or she? Although it's fun guessing I am wondering too much. EE born March 6 so three months old. The one in the foreground. And this one just to show her/his puffy cheeks
  8. kaikuchta

    Do any of you know any yummy and nutritious snacks to feed my chickens that they will go crazy about

    My best reaction from them so far was for grapes. Chopped them up and they went crazy for them. They also really like corn and scratch, but not the healthiest for them.
  9. kaikuchta

    Pullet or Cockrel?

    Thanks for your guesses all. The one that's def a rooster same age looks like this.
  10. kaikuchta

    Pullet or Cockrel?

    best guesses? The tail looks quite rooster but the comb not so much. Never realized I could occupy so much of my thought on the sex of chickens! Age is 10.5 weeks and I have one that is definitely a Cockrel that looks much different.
  11. kaikuchta

    9.5 week old Araucana or Australorp

    Thanks everyone. That's what I was feeling. Hopefully it is the only one in the bunch!
  12. kaikuchta

    9.5 week old Araucana or Australorp

    Here is a more complete shot. Had tried to post earlier but I see it didn't work. .
  13. kaikuchta

    9.5 week old Araucana or Australorp

    Awesome, thanks for the help all. I see the greenish legs so thinking EE now. That's exciting to have non-brown eggs! Seeing pullet with that knowledge?
  14. kaikuchta

    9.5 week old Araucana or Australorp

    wondering if you all see Roo here or not. Bird is 9.5 weeks and starting to look much more roo like. Also wondering about the mottling on the chest if that can be a sign of being a rooster in these breeds. I got them from someone who had both Araucana and Australorp.
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