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  • Users: KeiL
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  1. KeiL

    First Egg!!!

    About a week ago I gathered the girls for a meeting (all but 1 showed up). It had been almost 23 weeks and I had waited patiently as long as I could. These girls needed a little coaching! I showed them a nest box, showed them what it looked like to have eggs (fake) in the nest box, and told them...
  2. KeiL

    A chicken squatting at point of lay

    I came on to post a pic of my first egg and saw this post. I had no idea they started squatting soon before laying! My black sex link started that about a week ago (the only one of my 5 girls to do it) and yesterday there was an egg in the nesting box. Is it safe to assume it's hers?
  3. KeiL

    Ok to leave little ones outside under these conditions?

    I have 2 chicks that are 2 weeks old. They've been in a brooder inside using a Brinsea EcoGlow20 for warmth. My husband just finished an extension on our outdoor coop and made it so it could be closed off from the rest of the coop where we have 3, six week olds. I brought the babies outside...
  4. KeiL

    Can you tell yet?

    This little one is 5-6 weeks old. How long do I have to wait to know if I've got a pullet or cockerel? Anyone want to venture a guess? Here's the comb a week ago:
  5. KeiL

    Chicken Pickin' Pointers

    They will only be a day or two old, I think. They are coming in the mail to the feed store this afternoon.
  6. KeiL

    Brand new to this! Do I have a hen or rooster?

    Thank you! For the moment I'm hanging on to that "it isn't screaming cockerel"!
  7. KeiL

    Chicken Pickin' Pointers

    I'm picking up two new chicks this afternoon - a buff Orpington and an Americauna. Is there anything about either of these breeds that I should be on the look out for? Any way to increase my chances of getting hens besides keeping my fingers crossed?
  8. KeiL

    Brand new to this! Do I have a hen or rooster?

    I have 3 new chicks that are 3 1/2 to 4 weeks old. Two are sex links and one is a Wyandotte. Is it possible to tell by looking at feathers if the Wyandotte is male or female? Thanks for any help you can give!
  9. KeiL

    Newbie that grateful for this resource

    I've wanted chickens for years but had nothing but a concrete backyard. A year ago we moved to a house on an acre of land mainly because of my desire for chickens - the first thing I bought when we signed the contract was a coop! Last spring we were busy moving, but this spring I knew I couldn't...
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