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  1. Ichthius

    Best lawn seed mix for foraging?

    Hello The ducks mucked up a few sections of the lawn this winter. I'm going to over seed and top dress with screened compost. I'm looking for a lawn mix that would provide nutritious forage. Any suggestions? Maybe something with clover? Thanks!
  2. Ichthius

    Agressive Ancona drake.

    Hello We have two pairs of 4 month old Anconas that are start to get sexy. The larger blue male has become very agressive toward our black male. Are there any tricks to restoring harmony or does big blue need to hi the road?
  3. Ichthius

    Ancona Duck colors

    Thanks for the yahoo tip. Chapter ten of Holderread's raising ducks (storey's guide) is devoted to color. I have anconas from Holderread's line. I think the solid color wings and bib are something you have to select against every generation to keep the speckling.
  4. Ichthius

    Ancona Duck colors

    Where do you find the Ancona message group?
  5. Ichthius

    The Donald Street Ducks

    Hi All We're a couple weeks into raising a batch of Ancona ducks in our yard. They spent their first night outside last night as their 100 gallon rubbermaid tub we used for brooding was just getting to small. Here is their blog:
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