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  1. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Michigan Chickenstock 2012 Buy/Sell/Trade

    Will anybody have any Russian Orloffs or does anyone know where I can get a couple of baby chicks. I have a friend who would like 2-3 but does not have a set up to incubate eggs.
  2. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Selling Hatching Eggs, How Much $ Should I Charge?

    Thanks everyone, I just love that, backyard specials! I am giving away a dozen to a couple who put a want ad on craigslist. They have to drive approx. 45 mins. to get here so I thought it would be nice to give them to them. This is their first time hatching in an incubator. I think...
  3. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Selling Hatching Eggs, How Much $ Should I Charge?

    Hi everyone, I like to look on craigslist a lot and I always browse the wanted section to see if there is anything on there someone wants that I might have. Anyways, I have seen quite a few ads in our area for people wanting hatching eggs. I have extra eggs occasionally that we don't sell...
  4. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Advice please........

    Best thing to do is take a hands off approach and let momma do the work. If the others are going to hatch she will wait, if she knows they are a dud, she will take her chick to the food and water when the time is right and the chick needs the nourishment.
  5. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Culture Shock

    LOl, these make me laugh. I grew up in southern Texas and moved to NH as a teenage. I had one 8th grade teacher that hated me, come to find out that when I responded to her with a yes ma'am or no ma'am she thought I was being a smart behind. My mother had to go in and correct her...
  6. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Can you tell? PICTURES posted

    I have 100 chickens right now and I have noticed during our chicken adventure that some just feather more slowly than others. As long as they have fresh water, good food, and lots of love, those wonderful babies will grow out at their own pace into beautiful chickens. Take a deep breath and...
  7. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    How do you transport meaties to butcher?

    I scoured craigslist before freezer camp time and was able to get 2 XL dog crates for 10.00. They needed a bit of repair (re-bending some of the wires). We put them in there. Next time though, I would go with the cardboard boxes. The dog crates were great for holding but as we went down the...
  8. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Chickens and dogs pics!

    My heinz 57 of a dog is so sweet with our chickens. Last week we let him out in the fence area and our EE Magnus snuck up on him and did his gobbly-cluck thing and scared the dog. Poor thing jumped so high and ran inside. I think I heard the chicken laughing. Jacque (Black lab, foxhound...
  9. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    1588 temp adjust

    I'm not sure, I have one and I have experienced exactly the same kinda hatches. I haven't adjusted mine but I would probably call their customer support # and have them walk me through it. Good luck
  10. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    My "Free" Eggs are costing me a FORTUNE! - ITS DONE!! pg 15 pics

    I so feel your pain. We just bought all the lumber for our 12 x 16 coop and it was $820.00. Yikes. That doesn't include the windows and small things like hinges etc.
  11. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Anybody ever have the USPS refuse to accept your hatching eggs?

    Call the Regional Office and make a complaint, that is what I would do. I used to work for the USPS and I am so happy that I don't anymore. The stress of working my butt off only to see and hear all the horror stories that customers have to deal with was way more than I wanted to deal with...
  12. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    I'll never find the right rooster :( can you help? UPDATE: PIC of roo!

    I have an EE rooster that we ordered from Ideal Poultry last April. He is very handsome and super sweet. He is gentlemanly with his ladies and has never been aggressive towards adults or kids.
  13. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    WTB: BLRW/Black or Blue Copper Maran Chicks in Michigan

    I am having a horrible hatch on shipped eggs. I wondered if anyone has BLRW/Black or Blue Copper Maran Chicks within a 2 hour driving radius of me. I live in Kalkaska, MI. Thank you, Gayle
  14. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Thinking about moving Chicks outside next wednesday.

    Usually when they are fully feathered. Mine are 4 weeks, some are already feathered out and others are not quite there yet, I myself would probably take it away at 5 - 6 weeks. It also depends on the weather. Right now we are not going below freezing in the coop at night so I think they will...
  15. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Thinking about moving Chicks outside next wednesday.

    We have a roost in ours, but most of them sleep on the floor in a pile under the light. I myself would keep it shining towards the floor and if they are hot, they can move away. I think you will notice that the more they feather out, the more time they will spend away from under the light.
  16. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Chicken math is kicking my butt

    LOL, Welcome, my name is Gayle and I am also a chickenholic. You have joined the right club. God Bless those wonderful husbands that enable our addiction. I have one and I love him all the more for it. His favorite saying to me is, "Honey, if it makes you happy then I'm happy." Hehehehe...
  17. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Please help my mommy figure out what color I am!

    yay!!!! I had hoped. It is such a pretty little chick and so gentle. I love these cochins.
  18. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    pecking - blu kote spray question?

    I have had great success with using blue-kote. I have found that I can stick them right back in with their mates. I had a white silkie rooster that was seriously pecked and had blood everywhere. We took him inside gave him a bath and blow-dry, put blue-kote on all his red/bloody areas...
  19. Lil_Miss_Farmer_Chick

    Thinking about moving Chicks outside next wednesday.

    I live in Northern Michigan and we have had our chicks in the nursery wing in the coop since they were a week old. I have a heat lamp in there and they are just fine. We have gotten up to 58 degrees daytime and as low as 12 degrees overnight. I haven't lost any. They really can tolerate...
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