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  1. PixieChick19


    My two week old chick just all of a sudden started running a fever and breathing heavy and rapidly. It also has a little bit of pasty-butt and it has a coarse sounding chirp along with frequent sneezes. It almost seems like a chicken form of a cold. What can I do to help my little guy get...
  2. PixieChick19

    What type of comb would this be?

    Here is some information on her. She has four and a half toes on each foot(her back toe splits into two), she has random red streaks mostly on her chest but she has white spots on her wing feathers and head feathers. Her mother was a RIR and her dad was a molted houdan. Is there a name for this...
  3. PixieChick19

    How can I tell if my ducks has bumble foot?

    My duck has a sore that looks a lot like the sores on chicken feet when they have bumble foot. But I can't tell if she has any of the symptoms. Are there any pointers for this?
  4. PixieChick19

    OOOKAAYYY!!!! Is this normal?

    My Japanese Bantam pullet just laid her first egg which is a good thing. There is only one problem... Her egg is white when it should be brown. So is she really a Japanese Bantam or something else like a hybrid?
  5. PixieChick19

    Post a picture of your favorite redneck contraption you have built for your flock or garden!

    Behold.... The dog feeder turned egg coop.
  6. PixieChick19

    How do ducks like to nest?

    I have a White Pekin and a Khaki Cambell that are both just finishing their first molting season. They are both females and they are extremely talkative. I don't know when ducks usually start laying eggs but I want to be ready. The problem, however, is that I do not know how they like to nest...
  7. PixieChick19

    PLEASE HELP!!!! What breeds are these birds?

    This is Blitz. I think he is a rooster and he is still only a few weeks old. His coloring looks burchin but not completely. Pic# 1 Pic#2 This is Thing 2. I think he is a rooster as well. He started out looking like a Brahma Bantam but then he started getting white spots...
  8. PixieChick19

    How can I keep flies off of my chickens during the summer?

    Every year, I have the same problem with my black and other dark colored chickens. Since they are dark colored they get really hot and there is nothing I can do about that, but the weird thing is that these flies continue to viciously bite and exposed skin causing my chickens (only the black...
  9. PixieChick19

    Why is my chicken going blind?

    I recently noticed that my blue wyandotte hen's left eye started showing signs of blindness. When you look at the eye at an angle you can see a white substance behind the iris in the back of the eyeball. She also has just started forming little white dots in the center of both her eyes. She...
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