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  1. Bahr09


    Hi all, A couple weeks ago my chickens started sneezing, then led to labored breathing, bubbles in eyes and one of them died. Are there any other illnesses that could cause the bubbles in the eyes? I am debating if it is worth the cost to have the test done or just cull them all and start over...
  2. Bahr09

    Whats wrong with this chick...spraddle leg?

    Do i need to do something for the toes as well?
  3. Bahr09

    Whats wrong with this chick...spraddle leg?

    I use pine shavings for bedding
  4. Bahr09

    Whats wrong with this chick...spraddle leg?

    Thank you! I thought it was strange to get it after a week so wasnt sure if that would be itbor not! I will try one of these and hope it helps
  5. Bahr09

    Whats wrong with this chick...spraddle leg?

    Does anyone know what may be wrong with this chick? Or if i can do anything for it? It was fine until about a week old then it didnt want to put weight on the leg and was holding it off to the side. Its toes are curled almost on both feet and now the other leg seems to be starting to have the...
  6. Bahr09

    Brooder/heat lamp

    Ok thank you so much!
  7. Bahr09

    Brooder/heat lamp

    That's what i was afraid of, thanks! Should i use both the plate and the lamp or is it better to just use a lamp?
  8. Bahr09

    Brooder/heat lamp

    Hi all! I know i have asked a similar question before, but a few things have changed. I was supposed to get chicks in may but with everything going on i moved my order up to next week. I will actually be getting 27 chicks and my brroder plate is for 20-25 so im worried i wont be able to keep...
  9. Bahr09

    Nesting box size

    Hi everyone! Planning out how to redo the chicken coop and was thinking about using a cube shelf for nests... the nests would be 11.13"x11.13".... is this too small? I will have black stars, ameracaunas, marans, and Whiting true green. Thanks in advance!
  10. Bahr09

    What breed is this

    Yes! I am located in iowa. She was from a hatchery so i thought she should be purebred something! thank you!
  11. Bahr09

    What breed is this

    This is probably obvious, but what breed is this? Lays large white eggs.
  12. Bahr09

    Brooder questions/brooder plate?

    Thank you for the info! Where do i find the temp controller? I haven't been able to find it searching online
  13. Bahr09

    Brooder questions/brooder plate?

    Hi all! Ive just placed my first order of baby chicks and im so excited! I currently do have several hens and a rooster. Im planning on redoing the coop and was thinking of making the brooder in the coop...will they be warm enough? I will be getting them the first week of may. I was planning to...
  14. Bahr09

    Hen losing feathers

    I will look into it, thanks so much!
  15. Bahr09

    Hen losing feathers

    I am in iowa so it gets pretty cold in winter. It hasnt been too bad so far, but there have been a couple days it has been 0° with wind chill. Im glad to hear she should be growing new feathers soon! How long do molts typically last? This is my first time with a molting hen. Thanks for replying!
  16. Bahr09

    Hen losing feathers

    This spring i started my flock. One hen has had almost no feathers on her back since i got her, i assumed she was picked on or maybe it was rooster rash but she has yet to grow any feathers back and is now losing feathers from all over her body....with it getting cold i am worried she will not...
  17. Bahr09

    Sand in coop

    Who has sand for their coop and do you like it? Thinking about using it. Also what kind of Sand is ok to use? At menards I see mason sand, handy sand, sand mix among others and not sure what to get
  18. Bahr09

    Kitchen scraps/ general feeding

    Great thank you! I was wondering about leaving feed out all the time, I wasn' sure if they'd just go crazy or eat what they need.
  19. Bahr09

    Kitchen scraps/ general feeding

    So I'm getting 2 laying hens and a rooster this weekend. I keep seeing posts about feeding them kitchen scraps and just curious if there are things they should not be given? Meat, bread, dairy, anything in particular? I'm not seeing many specific things. Also, I wanted to free range them but...
  20. Bahr09

    Preparing for chicks

    Between Waterloo and cedar rapids
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