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  1. kahpoof333

    What are Your Chickens Named?

    Hi all!! I have 2 Buff Orpingtons (Millie and Buffy) and 3 Barred Rocks (Sprinkles, Lucy and Elvira)
  2. kahpoof333

    New Mommy here!!!

    My girls are home and setteled in!!!!!! As soon as I can get time I'll post the pictures I've taken! We've named them (with the 6 and 3 year old sons help!) Millie, Buffy, Sprinkles, Lucy and Elvira!!!! I am checking on them EVERY second!!!!! I LOVE them already!!!!!
  3. kahpoof333

    New Mommy here!!!

    Thank you nchls school!!!!! tjo804...Thank you!!! I'm VERY lucky to have DH! He always does a great job surprising me. lol, I'll make sure to hug him enough this week I'm sure I will and as soon as they are all settled in their new home I'll post a pic
  4. kahpoof333

    Anymore People from Delaware?

    Hi, I'm a newbie here in Delaware
  5. kahpoof333

    New Mommy here!!!

    Hello everyone!!!! I am so new to this I haven't even gotten my chicks yet!! My husband got me 5 for my birthday and is building my coop and run. They should be mailed Monday. He got me 3 Barred Rocks and 2 Buff Orpingtons. I've wanted chickens for the longest time and he's been planning this...
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