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  1. todmar1

    Chick just stands in place ??

    Just a regular red bulb heat lamp
  2. todmar1

    Outdoor time for the babies!

    Love this time of the year !!
  3. todmar1

    Help please!

    I don't think the bedding you have will hurt them at all. I had real fine bedding in mine also and they did great. As long as they have food and know where it is they should be fine.
  4. todmar1

    Chick just stands in place ??

    Hatched a batch of chicks April 7th. I have 1 chick that is half the size of the others so I watched her today and found out why... she just stands in place under the heat lamp. Will not move. Dipped her beak in water, she just shook her head and then dipped her beak in the food. She seemed...
  5. todmar1

    Rooster that does not crow

    I have a mix Buff Orp and Black Austrolorp that does not crow. For a long time we thought he was a hen, but recently seen him mount a hen for the first time. This rooster is now about a year old and just started giving us signs he is a rooster. Prances around the hens trying to get them to go...
  6. todmar1

    Weird acting Hen

    Yep. Looked up the definition to broody and it fits her exactly. Thanks !
  7. todmar1

    Weird acting Hen

    Hi, new to the chicken family. I have started raising Buff Orps and Black Austrolorps. I have a hen that is acting very strange. She is mostly staying in the chicken coop in one nest. Thought she was sitting on an egg but after a full day of her sitting in the same spot I got worried...
  8. todmar1

    Do you let your chickens out in the rain?

    Ok, thanks for the info
  9. todmar1

    Do you let your chickens out in the rain?

    What age are we talking. I have 4 week old Buff Orps and Black Austrolops and they come out of the coop daily but don't know if I should open up the door during rain. I think they would be ok and they can take cover underneath the coop if need be.... just wondering
  10. todmar1

    Boys VS Girls

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