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  1. LuvMahChikies

    Hen found dead

    one of my otherwise healthy black australorp girls was found dead in the henhouse this morning. She was just lying on her side, no blood or ruffled feathers or other signs of attack. Was laying daily, eating well... any ideas what could’ve killed her?
  2. LuvMahChikies

    10 week old Black Australorp sex?

    Ten weeks old... pullets?
  3. LuvMahChikies

    6 week old Black Australorps sexing

    Here are pics of my 6 week old BA chicks. They are supposed to be pullets (ordered through a hatchery). Can anyone confirm this for me? I really love their sweet personalities ❤️
  4. LuvMahChikies

    Free Ranging?

    I have a small flock of 7 (6 hens and a roo). They have a covered run that is 10x20 but they LOVE to come out and peck around the yard...which isn't a big deal EXCEPT we have hawks out the ying yang where I live. Free rangers- how do you do it with out driving yourself nuts thinking about...
  5. LuvMahChikies

    "Alpha Hen" does a 'rooster' dance?

    Just curious if anyone else has an Alpha Hen that does a 'rooster dance' at the next highest ranking hen in the flock? We have one rooster and six hens. 'Aunt Bea' is definitely dominant...and she lets everyone know it. Today I saw her doing the dance and flaring out her hackles a bit, as if to...
  6. LuvMahChikies

    Blind Hen or Special Needs?

    I recently bought two Barred Rock hens. The first day I had them at home I placed them in the run and took my existing flock out to range to give the new ones time alone in the run. One of the first things I noticed was one of the hens (Speckles) literally bumped her head on a roost in the...
  7. LuvMahChikies

    Predicting egg color in Easter Eggers

    I have two EE pullets who will soon be laying. Just out of there any way one can tell what color eggs they will lay? I know some folks swear by earlobe color, etc, in other breeds, and I didn't know if there was any way to tell with an EE. (Not that it really matters, of course! )
  8. LuvMahChikies

    Mourning behavior in chickens?

    I lost my two favorite hens 3 days ago to a raccoon attack. Just now I found the remaining chickens quietly gathered around the grave of one of the two that was killed. Okra the Rooster is laying on top of the bricks I put on the grave to prevent predatory digging. Do chickens mourn the loss of...
  9. LuvMahChikies

    What to feed mixed flock of layers and pullets?

    Hello all! I have a mixed flock of 6-8 month old layers and 4 month old, non-laying pullets. Should I still be feeding grower feed to the pullets? Can they eat the layer feed yet? Do I need to separate the feed and the chickens until the pullets are laying? OR do I feed everyone the grower feed...
  10. LuvMahChikies

    Ameraucanas with Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons?

    Hello all! Thinking about getting a few Ameraucana's for the flock. I have Barred Rocks and Buff Orpingtons that are very docile. Will the Ameraucana's behave well with them? I really don't know a lot about the breed, and certainly don't want to bring in any hens that will be rough on my docile...
  11. LuvMahChikies

    Soft Shelled Egg?

    Hello all! Question- my Barred Rock hen laid an enormous, body checked egg yesterday morning. This morning she laid a very soft, pliable egg. This is the first one I have seen in the past few months that I have had her and wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that she laid such a...
  12. LuvMahChikies

    Soft Shelled Egg After Large, Body Checked Egg Yesterday

    Hello all! Question- my Barred Rock hen laid an enormous, body checked egg yesterday morning. This morning she laid a very soft, pliable egg. This is the first one I have seen in the past few months that I have had her and wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that she laid such a...
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